Magnets! • January 20th, 2016


TONIGHT! Wednesday, Jan 20th, 2015 from 9pm until midnight (or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Magnets 
$3 Processing fee, please
$4 Drink Specials at Akbar: Hands on your hips, a smile on your lips, spirit in your heart, we’re ready to start! 

It occurred to me that CraftNight really has a LOT of magnet backings. This means we’re rolling up our sleeves and making DIY magnets for your refrigerator or wherever else in your life needs a magnet. Magnets are great, they let you do so much without any constraints. Here you have an object that affixes another object (usually paper) to a surface temporarily. Temporary as in NO commitment as in FREEDOM and no hassles and your life and YOUR choices. How great is that?

When you hand a piece of paper to someone, they have NO IDEA how long it was kickin’ around on your fridge before you finally got around to giving it to the recipient. The meaning and purpose of your busy and engrossing life is affirmed and bolstered by the magnet’s quiet fortitude. This means you should make some magnets at CraftNight as soon as possible to get started living a wildly unencumbered actuality that will enable you to blossom and excel.

We have flat, colorful foam and beads and shapes for which you can form your magnet. Here are some magnet ideas:

1.) Puppy Face Magnet
2.) Magnet that says “NOW” to remind you of what you need to do NOW. Maybe another one that says “SHEESH.”
3.) Bring a small photo and make a frame around it and boom it’s a magnet!
4.) Your own magnet poetry kit
5.) All bad words, just all of ’em
6.) Exquisite corpse magnets, lots of heads, torsos and feet: interchangeable!
7.) Annoying slogans or meaningful um, quotes.
8.) Foods: Donut, hot dog, sushi, noodles
9.) Giant capital letters (this seems to be trending)
10.) Squids, Owls, Deer, Birds, Llamas, Otters, Monkeys, Lemurs, Pandas, Bisons, Eagles, Ponies, Sharks, Lobsters, Cows, and Ducks

See you at the Craft Table!

JP Craft Captain



NEXT WEEK January 26th BINGO: Tuesday 8pm to 10pm it’s Bet Yer Bottom Bingo with the big bad prizes you’ve come to love us for, so come on in and try your luck with booze, girls, boys, balls, it’s the best in neighborhood gay bar gambling!

*January 27th CRAFTNIGHT – Groundhog Day Paper Dolls
**February 3rd CRAFTNIGHT – Mardis Gras Disguises
Ohhhhh the LOVE-IN!!! • Featuring the LOVE RAFFLE (Mad mad prize baskets), Valentine Snacks, Cute Friends, Hot Strangers and MORE!






Posted by on January 20, 2016 in Assembly Craft, Freeform Craft, Multi-Variety Craft

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Wooden Bead Jewelry Necklaces • January 13th, 2016


Wednesday, Jan 13th, 2015 from 9pm until midnight (or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Wooden Bead Jewelry Necklaces
$3 Processing fee, please
$4 Drink Specials at Akbar: Tastes great, less filling!   

Last week we fused our intentions with fusion beads. There’s nothing like heated plastic to make you feel accomplished and ready for 2016! Now we’re up for another Wednesday, and it’s time to make wooden bead necklaces that you paint yourself. This is a pretty straightforward craft, there are beads here in many shapes and sizes, some of them rounder, some of them more flat, there are many different kinds. They are raw wood, which means, if you want to sass them up, you’ve got to paint them! Lucky for you, we do have paint, and brushes, and all the stuff you need to create the color scheme you want for your bead necklace.

To paint a bead is to have a moment. Crafting is designed to slow you down and make you contemplate those everyday things you might not notice: a new pair of socks, a cup of tea that is the perfect temperature, the perfect fluffy brilliance of some clouds you noticed when you were walking into the grocery store. The minutia of life particles that pass you by can be forgotten so easily, this bead-painting journey I’m offering is an opportunity to pay attention to some life. Paint a bead that reminds of you of your dish soap. Paint a bead that reminds you of the friend that wrote you a poignant email. Paint a bead that resembles the weird overpriced teddy bear you saw at a department store.

Paint a story, paint your truth and then wear your truth. You have a lot of stuff going on, and it’s all interesting and weird and ghastly and meaningful and a goddamn gift, that’s right. And if someone asks you about the trippy beads you’re wearing that you painted yourself, you can look them square in the eye and say “This one reminds me of an overpriced teddy bear I saw” and they’ll say “OMG what?” next thing you know, the two of you are talking, and we have HUMAN CONNECTION. Or… they think you are a total crackpot and they steer clear of you forever and that, my friend, is also a gift, that’s right.

Share some paint, share some beads, share your stories, share despair, triumph, hopes, and dreams. It’s at CraftNight, waiting for you, a little Wednesday thing.

See you at the Craft Table!

JP Craft Captain


January 20th – It’s DIY Magnets EXTREME, a custom curiosity explored by you and everyone who joins us!

January 26th BINGO: Tuesday 8pm to 10pm it’s Bet Yer Bottom Bingo with the big bad prizes you’ve come to love us for, so come on in and try your luck with booze, girls, boys, balls, it’s the best in neighborhood gay bar gambling!

January 27th – Groundhog Day Paper Dolls

February – Get ready for Mardi Gras, CraftNight’s Valentine LOVE-IN Party, and Chinese New Year! 



Posted by on January 11, 2016 in Assembly Craft, Painting Craft

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Fusion Beads El Niño Style • January 6th, 2016


FIRST CRAFTNIGHT OF 2016!!! Wednesday, Jan 6th, 2015 from 9pm until midnight (or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Fusion Beads!
$3 Processing fee, please
$4 Drink Specials at Akbar: Your Cup Runneth Over!   

It is the first CraftNight of 2016 and we begin our 14th year. We’re starting the year with fusion beads, because it’s a warm craft for a cold night! Fusion beads literally fuse when you heat them with an iron, which is super cool, and a super reminder of fusing your intentions for the new year. I keep asking people what their new years resolutions are, and they keep telling me they don’t have any, and I’m like… what are you… THREE YEARS OLD?

COME ON, if anyone is going to be easy on yourself about failing to meet a resolution, it’s YOU! I mean omigod, TRY. Like, I know we live in a society where no one wants to make a commitment or a choice or have to do ONE thing at a time. You can’t play mini golf if you are also at the movies, it’s a gold-plated conundrum. Those of us who are lucky enough to suffer from “fear of missing out” experience a tidal wave of choices and channels and apps and options paralyzing the brain with an overload of data. It’s hard to even pick a goal, much less stick to it.

Platitudes and proverbs about the new year can seem like empty rhetoric, a nothing-something that most of us can’t even really hear any longer. This means there’s this societal knee jerk reaction to making new years resolutions because they are uncool, they require WORK. You might fall short of your own expectations if you make a half-hearted goal and give it a lukewarm attempt at fruition. It’s totally cliché to make resolutions in January for the new year, but clichés are annoying because they are almost always TRUE. So what does it all mean?

It means that you are never going to eat that bologna sandwich unless you decide to take the bologna out of the package. Every lasagna has to start with a noodle. Wearing shoes involves putting them on your feet. These are not monumental goals for most, but they are intentions that are made real more often than you might think. People are wearing shoes Lasagnas are being stacked, baked and eaten. Bologna is being freed from its constrictive packaging.

This is why we’re doing fusion beads this week, because you can’t turn back once you decide to fuse them. It’s a meditation on process and permanence. It’s plastic beads, so it’s cheap and colorful and fun and seems innocuous, but trust me, your subconscious will thank you.

See you at the Craft Table!

JP Craft Captain


January 13th- Wooden Bead Necklaces 

January 20th – DIY Magnets EXTREME 

January 26th BINGO: Tuesday 8pm to 10pm it’s Bet Yer Bottom Bingo with the big bad prizes you’ve come to love us for, so come on in and try your luck with booze, girls, boys, balls, it’s the best in neighborhood gay bar gambling!

January 27th – Groundhog Day Paper Dolls

February – Get ready for Mardi Gras, CraftNight’s Valentine LOVE-IN Party, and Chinese New Year! 



Posted by on January 5, 2016 in Heat-based Craft

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Hanukkah Crafting! • December 9th, 2015


TONIGHT! Wednesday, Dec.9th, 2015 from 9pm until midnight (or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Hanukkah Crafting 
$3 Processing fee, please
$4 Drink Specials at Akbar: Getting better with every sip!  


Happy Hanukkah! Tonight we bring you some foam menorah crafts, pins and scratch dreidels! These are projects  involving various levels of dexterity, and all of them are as complicated or simple as you wish them to be, just come on in and try your hand at crafting your very own festival of lights.

I’m typing this from China Town, as your Craft Captain is in tech rehearsal for our exciting and riveting holiday puppet show, featuring home made entertainment that is family friendly, super weird and LOTS of fun! If you decide to order tickets, use the code word AKBAR and receive $5 off your ticket! We make a mean hot buttered rum, and the SparkleBlob kitchen has developed a new hot drink called the Fireside Cider that will make you feel extra toasty.

See you at the Craft Table!

JP Craft Captain


December 10th – 20th – SparkleBlob and Automata present “Holidays on Icing: A Christmas Cookie Crumble” GET TICKETS NOW THEY SELL SO FAST EEEEK!!! (Written and directed by your Craft Capt)

December 16th: Xmas Shrinky Dinks and Ye Olde CrafteNighte Crafte Faire • EARLY START TIME!!! 7pm to 12:30pm (or later) Local Vendors, Crafting, Drinking, Music, Laughter rings out, YEAH!

December 22nd: Tuesday 8pm to 10pm it’s Bet Yer Bottom Bingo HOLIDAY EDITION!!!! Naughty and Nice Bingo? He sees you when you’re sleeping… creepy. Big bottles of booze and some amazing prizes for you so don’t miss it!




Posted by on December 9, 2015 in Assembly Craft

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Holiday Craft Grab • December 2nd, 2015


Wednesday, Dec.2nd, 2015 from 9pm until midnight (or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Holiday Craft Grab! 
$3 Processing fee, please
$4 Drink Specials at Akbar: Why limit happy to an hour?  


A premium selection of choice crafts will be of your choosing this week. Some of them involve buttons, some of them involve felt, if you want to make a gift for a friend, the abundance of supplies that we have is more than enough to get you started. A bouquet of projects, none of them have ever been seen by crafters, they are new and exciting. 

December is all about time, money, and energy. How are you going to spend yours? What will you require of yourself and others? As we get all our holiday gear together and survey the calendar with all of it’s various invitations, activities and due dates, remember to just pause and drink a large glass of beer, egg nog, or water. Take naps. Get sleep. Eat food. Take care of yourself. The driving and the planning and the shopping isn’t going anywhere, and the true happiness is hidden in the nooks and crannies of repose anyway. You might as well have fun, try some leisure.

Buy the dog a hamburger. Call an old friend. Send a card to your favorite relative. Bake some cookies just to fill the house with an incredible cookie aroma. Make someone a gift at CraftNight. Make something because we live in a world full of perfect mass-produced items that cost 99 cents. Your imperfect gift is priceless, because it was made by hands, your hands. Watch an old movie. Break the tyranny of the monolithic urgency of holiday tasks and duties, do something that is wildly “un-holiday” or go eat soup by yourself in a restaurant.


December 9th: Hanukkah Crafts!

December 10th – 20th – SparkleBlob and Automata present “Holidays on Icing: A Christmas Cookie Crumble” GET TICKETS NOW THEY SELL SO FAST EEEEK!!! (Written and directed by your Craft Capt)

December 16th: Xmas Shrinky Dinks and Ye Olde CrafteNighte Crafte Faire • EARLY START TIME!!! 7pm to 12:30pm (or later) Local Vendors, Crafting, Drinking, Music, Laughter rings out, YEAH!

December 22nd: Tuesday 8pm to 10pm it’s Bet Yer Bottom Bingo HOLIDAY EDITION!!!! Naughty and Nice Bingo? He sees you when you’re sleeping… creepy. Big bottles of booze and some amazing prizes for you so don’t miss it!




Posted by on December 1, 2015 in Assembly Craft, Collage Craft, Coloring Craft

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