TONIGHT! CRAFTNIGHT! @AKBAR! 9pm • March. 20, 2019 • Spring Flowerpot Craft! • Donations welcome! (we’re a 501c3)
HAPPY SPRING! The Vernal Equinox is HERE, and it’s also a FULL MOON!
The daylight is longer, painted lady butterflies are bravely migrating from Mexico to Oregon in huge droves, Insta-Influencers are trampling the poppies, people are wearing SANDALS and SHORTS, the weather is warmer, everyone’s switching from hot to iced coffee, stores are full of bathing suits, allergies are going bonkers: it’s SPRING, YES IT IS!!!!
What are we gonna do about it? We’re setting you up with a bright and cheery faux flower kit that involves pipe cleaners, felt, sparkly bits, and a buncha other shiny nurbs for decorating. It’s dimensional, it’s vivid, it’s all the vibrant
It’s also PRACTICAL. This faux flowerpot kit thingy doesn’t need to be watered like a real flower, thus, it will last for a really long time, and you can relax. It absolves you from any real kind of plant-caring responsibility, it means you can make it, set it on a windowsill, and just FORGET IT. Because let’s face it, more tasks and functions just need to be put on hold for a minute, okay? Ugh, it’s been too serious lately, time to take a break and enjoy this new fresh weather! Not having to water this faux flower means you’ll be free to explore the bright and reckless bloom of spring’s frivolity at it’s absolute most delicious.
It is time to thaw out! Pack away your sweaters, bring on the leisure, imbibe the rosé, run through the mustard fields, wave to the wispy clouds and chase every shimmering promise!
See you TONIGHT at the Craft Table, JP Craft Captain
March Antics:

8pm @Akbar, it’s a rollicking good time featuring our special guest, KJ Terioke and a rollicking good painting puzzle craft!
More info HERE!
JP Happy Hour Mondays at Akbar: 4pm to 9pm! March 25th, and then April 1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd and more!
April Crafts: 3rd – Kites, 10th – Fusion Beads, 10th – Wooden Block Bank, 24th – Cactus Wind Chimes