CRAFTNIGHT! @AKBAR! 9pm • April 17th, 2019 • Banks!
What is the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector? The taxidermist takes only your skin.
Mark Twain
Cube-shaped wooden banks are on the agenda this week. They’re unfinished hollow wood blocks, each one comes with its own plastic stopper! I’m breakin’ out the paints, you can paint each side a different color, or make little scenes, or write poems on the sides, whatever you like, theme it your way!
After you’re done painting your cube bank, you can glue some cool shapes to it, like googly eyes, or gems, or small fancy bits I’ll have on hand.
When you get that incredible windfall of cash from all the tax credits, loopholes and exemptions from not having to pay your 2018 tax return, you’ll have a place to put it! Oh… wait, sorry, I thought you were a corporation, I was talking to the wrong audience.
Woo, that was awkward, ha. Ahem.
This little bank could be just the place for loose change! You know, a spot for those bothersome nickels you find in your pocket at the end of the day. Maybe you need a home for all those pesky pennies weighing down your coin purse? Scrounge whatcha can and put it in yer new block bank! Whatever you don’t spend on penny whistles and moon pies can be used for a scoop of frozen yogurt, YAY!
See you at the Craft Table, JP Craft Captain
April Antics in Progress:
APRIL 24th – Cactus Wind Chimes

BET YER BOTTOM BINGO AKBAR • 7:30pm • APRIL 21ST, 2019 • An Easter-themed situation, want more details? FIND OUT MORE INFO
I’m directing Thelma & Leweeze the Musical!!! 4 shows, come seeeee!

THELMA & LEWEEZE the MUSICAL! @Cavern Club Celebrity Theater! May 3-11 TICKETS ON SALE NOW!
JP Happy Hour Mondays at Akbar: 4pm to 9pm! 15th, 22nd! Come on in and say hello!