TONIGHT! Sand Op Art! • March 29th, 2017

TONIGHT! March 29nd, 2017 from 9pm until midnight (or later) it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Optical Illusion Sand Art! 
$3 Donation Please 
$4 Drink specials! Akbar: There’s Only One  

Optical illusions are SO COOL, and sand art is also cool… we’re combining two of my favorite things into ONE craft tonight! It’s been almost an entire year since we’ve done sand art, I can’t believe it, since it really is, in my mind, one of our more relaxing and compelling crafts. How does it work, you ask?

Peel off the special laser cut paper to expose the sticky side, and sprinkle colored sand onto it. That’s all you do, and after peeling back more paper and pouring more sand, you get a really trippy multicolored far out abstract pattern suitable for framing! You get Op Art, a la the checkered, stripey, explody graphic-laden pattern style visuals that hit peak popularity in the mid-1960s.

You can then take things to the next level and glue some sparkly things to it, or leave it as is. If you topple into a rabbit hole of analysis and rationality… we support that, but we can’t guarantee that we’ll be successful in fishing you out, so regulate your artistic charisma accordigly.

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


April 5th – Easter Baskets!

April 12th – Protest Poster Painting Party #2 >>> Taxes and Science! FaceBook Event Here, please RSVP! 

April 19th – Luv Snail Photo Kit

April 24th – Bet Yer Bottom Bingo! • Akbar • 8pm – 10pm • Numbers, balls, boys, girls, prizes galore!


Posted by on March 29, 2017 in Messy Craft, Sand Craft

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Yellow Submarines! • March 22nd, 2017

TONIGHT! March 22nd, 2017 from 9pm until midnight (or later) it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Yellow Submarines! 
$3 Donation Please 
$4 Drink specials! Akbar: The Taste of Cocktail Goodness 

I didn’t want anyone falling behind in their ocean studies, so we’re making submarines this week, yellow submarines, to be exact! They’re sturdy, they are very easy to put together, and what’s more: THEY FLOAT! This is the perfect accessory for replaying scenes from The Hunt for Red October or Das Boot in the bathtub! Be glad that you aren’t actually in charge of a nuclear-powered warship, and enjoy your bath!

Or, you know, get cerebral, set your sub on a shelf and let it be a reminder of the hidden parts of yourself that make you special, parts that are amazing and unknown that even you haven’t discovered yet!

How often are you invited to assemble your own watercraft? I’m thinking it’s not often, so treat yourself, get a delicious beverage from our fearless crew, visit the CraftNight rumpus room, and enjoy assembling your foam submersible!

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


March 27th – Bet Yer Bottom BINGO!!!! 8pm to 10-ish (However long it takes to play 6 games!) Akbar!

March 29th – Optical Illusion Sand Art!

April 5th – Easter Baskets!


Posted by on March 22, 2017 in Assembly Craft, EZ Craft

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Heart-Shaped Keepsake Box • March 15th, 2017

TONIGHT! March 15th, 2017 from 9pm until midnight (or later) it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Heart-Shaped Keepsake Box  
$3 Donation Please 
$4 Drink specials! Akbar: We Love to Drink and it Shows!    

Heart-shaped boxes are here, come get one while supplies last, gussy it up with paint, sparkles and such, and then do with it what you like! This is that time of year where you start reading dumb articles titled “Make the Most of Your Drawers” or “The Golden Rules of Vacuuming” and all that Spring Cleaning riffraff in all the magazines and periodicals. The flowers are blooming, the sun is shining, the earth has tilted, and the vernal equinox arrives on the 20th, meaning you can put away the heavy outerwear, and replace it with “light jackets” for your nightlife galavanting.

That’s why you’re gonna need this heart box. It will help you make the most of everything! It’s the perfect for all seasons, the best size for keeping jellybeans, keys, bandaids, paperclips, tacks, erasers, love notes, any ol’ thing you want. If you don’t want to clutter up your home with it, paint it nice, put a gift, keepsake or gift in there, and give it away!

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


March 22nd – 3-D Yellow Submarines!

March 27th – Bet Yer Bottom BINGO!!!! 8pm to 10-ish (However long it takes to play 6 games!) Akbar!

March 29th – Optical Illusion Sand Art!

April 5th – Easter Baskets!


Posted by on March 15, 2017 in Painting Craft

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International Women’s Day FREEBIE from CraftNight! • 2017

It’s International Women’s Day! 

In honor of that, and Women’s History Month, CraftNight would like to offer you a chance to download and print these drawings on sticker paper, color them in, and stick them anywhere you please! We made them at CraftNight last week, and they were a HIT, and they totally work, and they’r lots of fun to color! And if you don’t have sticker paper, just print ’em out and make bookmarks, or cards, whatever!


  • The Statue of Liberty!

  • Audre Lorde!

  • Statue of Justice holding a Labrys!

  • A Taco!

  • A Beaver!

  • A Clam!

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See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on March 8, 2017 in Coloring Craft

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Color-a-Sticker (or DIY!) • March 1st, 2017

This Wednesday, March 1st, 2017 from 9pm until midnight (or later) it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Women’s History Month Stickers with the LGBT Center! 
$3 Donation Please 
$4 Drink specials! Akbar: Cocktail minded, life changing.  
SPECIAL GUEST: Bill Zide, candidate for LA City Council District 13, will be with us to say hello and do some crafting! Meet him! Find out things! 

The LGBT Center is crafting with us this week in honor of Women’s History Month!

Throughout the invention of humans cataloguing our existence, in the majority of this process, women have been mentioned as nothing but a footnote or a reference and not seen as ACTUAL human beings who did stuff. Years and years and years of being left out of the books has built a bizarre, not-so-subconscious belief that women are just, you know, marginal participants on the sidelines of building the world.

There’s a LINK between knowing what those before you accomplished and having the wherewithal to forge ahead and pioneer forth. That’s why it’s so SUCKY to know that there are all these unknown, squashed, ignored, undermined awesome female mathematicians, explorers, artists, scientists, etc. their stories forgotten, erased, or banished from all the lessons we had to learn in schools.

I mean… you’ve got a bloviating naval orange in the oval office, and we coulda had Hermione Granger. And why the HELL doesn’t Hermione Granger have her own movie?!? Sigh. Harry Potter is a brat.

I would expect a lot of insecure corncob dudes to vote for Mr. Spray Tan, but a lot of WOMEN voted for him… which doesn’t seem to make sense until you realize that our chronological records make the existence of important women seem shifty, unreliable, and “too experimental.”

When I was in 5th grade at Pacific Christian Academy, my teacher, (bless her sweet, well-meaning, christian heart) told the classroom that she didn’t think a female president would be good for the country, that women are too emotional. I was AMAZED that she said this. My male associates in 5th grade LOVED this, and my female constituents just seemed bemused and bewildered, but not angry. Strong women in the bible just got themselves killed or turned into salt pillars, everybody knew it, there just wasn’t much to say. Tripe like this is still being taught in schools. IT’S STILL BEING TAUGHT. PEOPLE BELIEVE IT. AAAAAUUUUGHHHH!!!!

I illustrated some stickers, they are black and white, JP Originals, and I’m printing them on sticker paper. They are of scary woman things, because apparently, women are terrifying. If you don’t like beavers, snatches, tacos, or bearded clams… don’t say I didn’t warn you.

I also ordered SPECIAL PENS and PENCILS. They are special because they came all the way from Humboldt, via Lush Newton, who runs the Art Center in the middle of town. Come on in and have a cupcake, color a political sticker, or make your own DIY one! Happy Women’s History Month!

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on February 28, 2017 in Coloring Craft

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