TONIGHT! Wednesday, April 18th, 2018 at Akbar it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: Terra Cotta Clay Playtime!
*******$4 PABST/TECATES • $5 Cocktail Special, livin’ on a cloud!
*********$3 suggested donation, please! #ScrappyNonProfitThanksYou
OMG we haven’t had a CLAY NIGHT since I-don’t-know-when!!! Seriously, it’s been a dog’s age, this stuff is SO MUCH FUN! When’s the last time you played with some EARTH? I’ll give you a smallish blob of clay and you can sculpt it to your heart’s content. It’s air dry, so I’ll have a cardboard tray in which for you to take it home. Once it dries (overnight, or a lil’ longer), you can paint it or preserve it or just start wearing/displaying it immediately!
There will be popsicle sticks and toothpicks for you to use as sculpting tools. You can really do a lot with a popsicle stick or a toothpick when it comes to sculpting. Write a message, carve a shape, hollow out a section, it’s easy. Make an amulet, a mini statue, some beads, a ring holder, a tiny box, a pen holder, whatever you want! I’ll have some idea sheets on hand to get you started.
The moon’s crescent builds, we’re heading toward a bright full moon! It’s traditionally called the PINK MOON because of all the lil’ pink flowers smattering the lowlands during springtime called “ground phlox.”
Consider the ground phlox. It’s a “new and exciting thing” brought about from a dormant, hibernating condition. It survived winter and guess what? SO DID YOU! What’s blooming in your life this spring season? What’s burbling up to the surface, and what shall you do to ensure that you’ll thrive like a wildflower?
For even in an age of illuminated screens and tiny devices dictating our schedules and job stuff and distractions, there is the oldest illuminated guidance of all: the moon. We’ll always have moon to help us track time, as long as it’s circling us, and as long as we’re circling the sun. And this upcoming full moon is also known as the Sprouting Grass Moon, Egg Moon and the Fish Moon.
See you at the Craft Table,
JP Craft Captain

THIS FRIDAY/SATURDAY It’s the FINAL run of Pat & Charlie: Solid Gold Lamé Cabaret! Last chance!!! Casita del Campo • April 20th and 21st @ 9pm get your tickets HERE! Pat & Charlie revive their 1970s variety show but this time in the style of 1980s TV Tour de Force, Solid Gold. New Wave music meets glitter as they and their dancers, “The Precious Metals,” pay homage to leg warmers, bikini suspenders and metallic headbands. Check it out on Facebook for more information!

APRIL 22nd – CraftNight will be on Duty at WxW: For Women. By Women. A community celebration for LBTQ women and their allies. Visibility and community matter now more than ever. Join us for a day of fun, interactive, LBTQ-centric activities, performances, and much more! Bring yourself + friends + family – everyone is truly welcome. Event Details HERE!
25th 9pm Akbar – Puffball Creatures! A variety of poofy fluffy googly-eyed creative prospects await you!

APRIL 28th at GRAND PARK from 2pm to 3:30 your Craft Captain, JP, is in the Line-Up of presentations for OUR LA VOICES! It’s a KID-friendly all ages jamboree!!! Miss Barbie Q – Host, D’Lo, Pip Lilly, Kacy Bushemi, Ofelia de Corazon, Steven Reigns, Alexandra Grey, Paul Outlaw, Odious Ari, Asher Yap, Robert Patrick, Julianna (JP)Parr, Billie White Acre