**8pm to 10pm – Dr. Sketchy’s Figure Drawing Class with models in BACK TO THE FUTURE GARB!!! [more info]
***9pm to midnight or later it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
****Project: Paint-a-Statue!!!
*****$3 Donation Please
******$4 Drink specials! Akbar: Serving Up Class in a Glass for Your Ass!
It is indeed time for confederate statues to GO, maybe just leave the horses, and remove the riders? It’s all about statues and nature for the rest of September over here at CraftNight.
I’ve got darling little figurines of both jungle life AND marine life, which is just as well, because holy crap! We need to remind people that NATURE IS IMPORTANT, by golly!!! Come in and paint a plaster facsimile of the choices I’ve procured for you: Hippos, Lions, Monkeys, Elephants, Fish, Dolphins, Whales, Frogs and maybe even a wayward unicorn, kitten or grasshopper, if you’re lucky!
Because I know there are too many terrible things going on in the world right now, but the National Parks turn 101 years old this Friday. And the reason that such a thing is important is that OMG it’s a miracle our monuments have lasted this long, and now these places are in very real danger. The American Antiquities Act was created in 1906 to keep buttheads from stealing ancient native artifacts from archeological sites. In more recent history, presidents have used the act to keep greedy jerks from destroying the land with bulldozers, commercial development and pollution.
In the words of my good friend, Roz Helfand
“The head of the Department of the Interior is filling his staff with mining and logging industry people. The country’s at a moral crossroads regarding how we think about environmental stewardship and long term health vs. short term jobs and convenience.”
The White House is reviewing 27 monuments set aside for conservation. These are OUR public lands and waters, you’re going to look at this list and FREAK OUT. The Giant Sequoia groves are up for review. The Mariana Trench is up for review. It’s not okay. This week and next are dedicated to learning more about what we can do to help protect and preserve these places from the oil, mining and timber industries. And of course this week and next are also dedicated to camaraderie, good times, good vibes, strong cocktails, creative energy, and being fabulous.
See you at the Craft Table,
JP Craft Captain

August 28th – Muu Muu Themed Bet Yer Bottom Bingo!!!! 8pm to 10pm • Six games of boys, girls, balls, debauchery and PRIZES!!!! BREAKFAST MACHINE RAFFLE INCLUDED in evening shenanigans! [more info]
August 30th – National Parks Craft! It’s time for Craftivism, we’re focusing on the national parks, because we need to protect our wildlands for now and future generations!
September will have MORE Dr. Sketchy, a special workshop from the Red Cross, LA Rocks, Fall Bet Yer Bottom Bingo, and LOTS of CRAFTS!
Also there’s under SIX days left to apply for The Gothtober Countdown Calendar… Gothtober is accepting applications.