TONIGHT!!!! Wednesday, July 11th, 2018 at Akbar ’round 9ish to midnight (or later) it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: Calming Coloring
*******$4 PABST/TECATES • $5 Cocktail Special, goodness in a glass!
*********$3 suggested donation, please!
The challenge of the hot days in the southland have begun, and we’re here to address it with delicious drinks and a relaxing, calming coloring craft. We’re just gonna hang out and color, no big deal, nothing stressful or involved or exhausting or complicated.
Carl Jung was a big believer in coloring, he thought it was one of the keys to gaining self knowledge, and bringing subconscious thoughts to life. Coloring takes you away from the hot office, the annoying co-workers, the stuff you have to do, the things you’re not doing, it’s an escape, which is really good for the brain!
Coloring kinda takes you back to a time when all you ever did was color. Do you remember that?
When we were kids, it’s like they’d do ANYTHING to shut us up and please god just color something and stop hanging from the rafters. As one gets older, curricular pursuits tend to lean away from the arts, and coloring sometimes falls to the wayside, but its importance is still quite relevant in our stressed out society! Relaxing in today’s day and age is pivotal!
When’s the last time you used your brain to color on paper with fine motor skills, color picking, and organizing hues into something pleasing to your eye? Focus and concentration is harder and harder to hone, distractions are everywhere! When the mind has a lil’ playground to run around in with crayons, pencils and pens, its not unlike a mini trip to the Bahamas for one’s taxed and tired gray matter.
Pick a page, have a seat, enjoy the colors!
See you at the Craft Table,
JP Craft Captain
COMING UP: Bet Yer Bottom BINGO JULY 15th at Akbar at 7:30PM >>> Oh Desert Heart are you ready for us? >>> Here’s MORE INFO!
CraftNights July 18th, 25th, August 1st >>> 9pm • Wednesdays • Akbar >>> 4356 W. Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90029