TONIGHT!!! Wednesday, October 4th at Akbar:
#1 >>>SPECIAL EVENT 7:45pm – 8:45pm • CraftNight brings you QUEER FISTS OF FURY • Self Defense Class with Instructor, Cory Klink! Work on your balance, self discipline, and confidence while learning to protect yourself! Find out more and RSVP Here
#2 >>> 9pm – midnight or later • CRAFTNIGHT • Attack of the Halloween Plush Pillow! – Halloween crafts BEGIN!!! Make, a terrifying personal pillow in the shape of a ghost, pumpkin or bat! It comes with a super easy sewing kit, stuffing, and felt pieces for gluing!
It’s October and you know what that means. It means there are 5000 things to do in your city, and we’ve got quite a few of them lined up, so I’m just gonna list ’em! Things have been rough, we got a harsh startup this week, from Puerto Rico, to Las Vegas, to Tom Petty: but CraftNight will not let the turkeys get it down. CraftNight has a very special guest tonight to put some vim and vigor into your (possibly deflated) spirit. We have Queer Fists of Fury: Self Defense Class with Cory Klink!
Last month we focused on disaster preparedness with the Red Cross, and this month we’re focusing on Kicking some ass. We’re thinkers, we’re doers, we’re fighters. We fight the dumbness, and while it seems like there’s an incomprehensible avalanche of dumbness right now… we’re together, and we are persistent.The seeds we plant may grow into trees we never see, but we MUST KEEP PLANTING THEM.
What did the headless horseman do when he lost his head? He picked up a sword, got on a horse and got busy terrifying the residents of Tarry Town and Sleepy Hollow!!! He didn’t care if his head was in a bag somewhere by the side of the road, he carved a pumpkin, lit it on fire and threw it at Ichabod Crane. Say what you will about the headless horseman, but he knew how to get stuff done.
See you at the Craft Table, JP Craft Captain

#3 >>> TWO SHOWS LEFT: FRIDAY 9pm: Pat & Charlie: Solid Gold Lamé Cabaret directed by JP Craft Captain you can get tix and more information about this high impact adventure here.
#4 >>> GOTHTOBER 2017 Visit www.gothtober.com and see 31 works by 31 different contributors, each day a new one revealed! Works by Akbar bartenders, Kimberly Kim, and Jennifer’s pup “The Stig” on the horizon! It’s all online, you don’t have to go anywhere or do anything, watch from your phone, your tablet, your desktop!

#5 >>>Oct 18th 9pm to 11pm – Dr. Sketchy returns with a really fun and CREEPY Life Drawing Assignment: Stephen King’s IT! Get tix and RSVP HERE. CraftNight also begins at 9pm with somethin’ halloweenie!

#6 >>> Oct 22nd – Sunday 7pm Bet Yer Bottom Bingo HALLOWEEN STYLE!!! A rotten, putrid, haunted evening of depraved behavior and boozy rewards! FB Event HERE!
Oct 11th – Haunted Lasercut skull shape painting project! Oct 25th – CraftNight’s Annual PUMPKIN CARVING Festival! Reserve a Pumpkin or BYOP!!!