HAND TURKEYS • November 14th, 2012

Wednesday November 14th, 2012 from 9pm – 12-ish at Akbar it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: Hand Turkeys, a CraftNight Classic!
$2 Suggested Donation 
$4 Cosmopolitan Drink Special: The Akbar Cosmo, Now You’re Drinkin! 

All you need to make a hand turkey is: Your hand, markers, paper, maybe some glue, an Akbar cosmo, your hand…

The “Hand Turkey” is a CraftNight classic, we always make them without fail so that you may wow your house guests, friends, relatives, whatever, with a handmade holiday decoration made especially by you. Just think about it: Your HAND can be TRACED and turned into a TURKEY. It’s good to be alive!

Once you perform that small task, there is nothing to stop you from augmenting and decorating your hand turkey to suit your personal expression. You can put boots on your turkey, make it a french maid turkey, a hand turkey talking on the phone with a foot turkey, a bearded turkey, musclebound turkey, extreme turkey, vulcan turkey, however you want to make it, it will never be replicated, because it’s your hand, and it’s unique, just like you!

But you know what? I’m going to up the ante this year, since Thanksgiving is about many things, but whether you’re vegetarian, vegan or not, it’s all about EATING. I’m going to bring some clear contac paper, and you can turn your hand turkey portrait into a PLACEMAT. This option is purely at your discretion, not mandatory in any way, but it IS an exciting way to make dinner look even weirder  and more festive than previous Thanksgiving meals. Heck, make one for each guest at the table!

The next week, for November 21st, in lieu of CraftNight, it will be Akbar’s Celebrated “PIE” featuring delicious grooves and delicious people to dance with before the “Gobblepocalypse” hits us with capital Triptophan on Thanksgiving Day! There’s no cover, and the Brite Spot will be serving up some actual PIE for you to sample, so lace up your dancing shoes, it’s time to shimmy!

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on November 11, 2012 in Uncategorized

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November 7th, 2012 • Fall Craft Surprise

Wednesday November 7th, 2012 from 9pm – 12-ish at Akbar it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: Fall Craft Surprise
$2 Donation ever so strongly encouraged 
$4 Cosmopolitan Drink Special: Think Outside the Glass. 

Wednesday is after Tuesday, and for weeks upon weeks upon weeks we’ve been hearing about Tuesday, and whatever happens on Tuesday… will effect Wednesday. Who knows what mood we’ll all be in, or where tomorrow will take us, but one thing’s for sure: there will be crafts. Crafts will be there whether you are gnashing your teeth or walking on air, you’ll come in, sit down, have a beverage and a craft and unwind from the midweek mulligrubs. I haven’t yet decided where our crafting adventure will go, but it will be a Fall craft, this is my only news as far as theme.

The air should be cooler than the ridiculous 92 degrees of Monday… that was uncalled for! Wednesday will be right on the cusp of some crazy cold front that will move in and give us a lovely November chill. The week after this one, we’re making hand turkeys, and the week after that, well, you won’t be greeted by craft supplies, but torridly dancing hot hunks on the dance floor with the Bears in Space doing “PIE.” Don’t worry, I’ll remind you again. There’s a lot to think about right now.

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on November 5, 2012 in Uncategorized

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NO CRAFTS! Halloween Night 2012

Alas, Dear Crafters,
I caught a nasty cold, and can’t come in to craft. See you in November, and Happy Halloween!

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on October 31, 2012 in Uncategorized

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October 24th, 2012 TONIGHT! BYO-Pumpkin!

Tonight! 9pm – 12-ish at Akbar it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: BYO-Pumpkin OR Haunted Sand Crafts
$2 Processing fee please
$4 Cosmopolitan Drink Special: You only go around once in this life, so you have to grab for all the gusto you can get. JUST GRAB IT!!! 

This evening’s crafts will be brought to you via Bianchi Bicycle, meaning I can’t pick up any extra pumpkins for tonight’s carving extravaganza, you’ve got to supply them yourself! Bring in your own pumpkin and a candle, and I’ll have tarps and all manner of crazy carving implements for you to set up shop and whittle your squash into proper Halloween fashion.

If you walk in without a pumpkin, never fear! I have some sassy seasonal spooky sand crafts, as well as some other Halloween projects that will be just as enjoyable. Come in and enjoy the evening, we’ll be delighted to see you and your funkin!

ALSO check out THIS! 
Thursday: WigOut’s 7th Anniversary ZOMBIE BALL!  A Treasure trove of the undead performing JUST FOR YOU!!!

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on October 24, 2012 in Uncategorized

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Radioactive Halloween Sand Crafts • October 17th, 2012

This Wednesday, October 17th, 2012 from 9pm(ish) until 12(or later) at Akbar,  it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: Radioactive Sand Crafts! *glows in the dark*
$2 Processing Fee
$4 Cosmopolitans: For people who share a taste for excitement
Massage Therapist Sky on Duty: Bodywork Special: $14 for 15 minutes, try it!
Aztec Chocolate Chip Spice Cookies & Satanic Cupcakes from Vero’s Gothtober Baking Adventures!

ONGOING Gothtober Countdown Calendar by yours truly and 31 fantastic artists on the internet for you to see! GO SEE! 

Wouldn’t you know it, I was walking down a very dangerous uninhibited alley full of horrible smells and dumpsters and canisters full of bubbling slime, just the kind of place I like to walk alone and explore. Right next to a canister of what could only be described as fetid rotting snot was a very old and decrepit curiously interesting cardboard box, covered in “DO NOT OPEN” and “PROPERTY OF MARIE CURIE” labels. It was scuffed with grease stains and had the faint smell of clorox, and I was strangely, magnetically pulled toward its contents. I knelt down, pulled opent the flaps. There was kind of an explosion, a loud “MON DIEU! Vous avez fait une erreur énorme! IMBECILE!”  (too bad I don’t speak French) and sort of a weird apparition of a women flew out of the box, she was kind of old-timey looking and green, but definitely irritated. Honestly, I think my eyes were just playing tricks on me. I was quite startled by this event, but managed to calm myself and get back to the box and thank goodness, because what a delight!

What a craft find, tons of packets of weirdly questionable magical glow-in-the-dark skeleton and tombstone crafts! These are so easy to make, you just “peel to reveal” the adhesive and then pour on the colored sand and voila, you have yourself an exciting project. I’m not sure if it’s safe to use these, I scoured the rest of the alley and found some lizard gizzards and some rat whiskers, but nothing else was as cool as these radioactive glowy sand crafts.


TONIGHT: Ian MacKinnon’s “Battlestar GAY-lactica” at Akbar! $5 show starts at 8! (my sweetheart, Coral Lobera, is going to perform! Woo!)

THURSDAY: SPECTERS, SPIRITS, & SPIES! A Night of Spooky Storytelling at The Last Bookstore (I’m performing! Come get spooked!)

NEXT THURSDAY: Wig Out!™ Get Your 7 Year Anniversary Zombie Ball On! (I’ll be good and dead, come see me…)

See you at the craft table, JP Craft Captain

Akbar’s Site

CraftNight’s Site 



Posted by on October 15, 2012 in Uncategorized

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