Beer Bottle Yarn Craft and Movie Night • July 1st, 2015


This Wednesday, July 1st, 2015 from 9pm until midnight (or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Beer Bottle Yarn Craft 
$3 Processing fee, please
$4 Drink Specials: The best part of waking up is Akbar in your cup! 


Yes, your favorite hideaway haven at your favorite dark and dreamy neighborhood bar has gone and turned itself into a resort. What does that mean? It means that we’ll be faithfully carrying on with the weekly craft, but we’re also going to throw in some extra summery and leisurely and camp-like elements into our usual programming.

This week’s craft is a classic, where you take a beer bottle, wrap it with yarn, decorate it with all manner of geegaws, put a candle in it and voila, instant resort ambiance!

We also have badges for summertime, collect them all! You see, it’s like campfire girls, or webelos, or girl scouts, or the Navy, or the Vatican or other organizations that are supposed to shape you into a model citizen using cult-like materials symbolizing achievement, rank or status. We’re not trying to turn anyone into a model citizen, if anything, kind of the opposite. But who doesn’t enjoy a good premium? This week’s badge will be just as coveted as the last, so be sure to get one!

We’re going to watch”Wet Hot American Summer” while you wrap beer bottles with yarn.
We will press “play” on the DVD close to 10pm, and we’ll play it as many times as we want until the bar closes, probably about twice. And we’ll have popcorn. And if you want to play “archery” to get badge #1 from last week, it will be available to you!

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


THREE WEEKS LEFT TO SPONSOR BILL COLE!!! Bill is often manning the front door on weekends when people are jumpin’ and the music’s bumpin. Bill has beautiful eyes, they are very blue and will stare deep into your soul. He’s doing the AIDS Walk San Francisco. Please send some cash toward his campaign!

July 8th – Mod Podge Coaster Craft
July 15th – SPA Night and Movie Night: MEATBALLS (Bill Murray)
July 22nd – Glass Votive Candle Decoupage

JULY 28th Akbar’s BET YER BOTTOM BINGO!!! Girls, Boys, Balls, Booze! Keep your eyes on the prize, it’s 50 cents a game! Come try your luck, big daddy!



Posted by on July 1, 2015 in Assembly Craft, Fabric Craft

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Rainbow Necklace • June 10th, 2015


This Wednesday, June 10th, 2015 from 9pm until midnight (or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Rainbow Necklace 
$3 Processing fee, please
$4 Drink Specials, you’re in good hands with Akbar
[Attend an Artist Block Talk with JP THIS THURSDAY! Also other things! [info below]

Just in time for LA PRIDE is our oh so posh and showy RAINBOW NECKLACE KIT that you MUST have. Darlin’ it’s that time of year, where you gotta flaunt your queer. Honey, these colors don’t run, we will be waiting for you with all hues blazing so that you can create your very own bejeweled adornment for the high holidays of LGBTQ visibility, activism and kickass celebration!

I certainly hope you’re planning your outfit, you don’t want to be a colorless blah out there on Santa Monica when party weekend hits.  In the name of legal equality and social acceptance, you’d be so classy to put on something sassy or brassy in honor of those who fought before us, and those who are fighting now. This means if you CAN be visible this month, DO IT.

Here’s the parade info, in case you wanna get a nice tan and give a cheer to some fine upstanding queers this weekend!

Parade Day/Time: June 14th, 11am
Parade Starts: Crescent Heights and Holloway, moves westward
Parade Ends: Santa Monica and ends at Robertson.
Bathroom spots: Crescent Heights, Sweetzer, La Cienega, Palm, and Robertson

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


JUNE 11th: ARTIST BLOCK TALK WITH JP (that’s me) at Echo Park Film Center! I’m an artist and I know things and I have advice about artist blocks, and making stuff! Come get knowledge and treats! More info FB Event

JUNE 12th: DYKE DAY in ELYSIAN PARK! Free, all-ages, inclusive DYKE EVENT! Find out more!

SPONSOR BILL COLE!!! You know the beautiful blue-eyed door fellow at Akbar? He’s stern but ever so amiable? That’s Bill Cole, and he’s doing the AIDS Walk San Francisco. Please send some cash toward his campaign! 

COMING UP IN SUMMER>>>> CraftNight Campfire Resort at Akbar, Bears in Space, Bingo… oh it’s a great month!


Posted by on June 8, 2015 in Assembly Craft

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Celestial Sand Art • June 3rd, 2015


This Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015 from 9pm until midnight (or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Celestial Sand Art   
$3 Processing fee, please
$4 Drink Specials, because a closed mouth gathers no cocktails… 
[Extra Info about class with JP and CraftNight’s upcoming capers at the bottom of this transmission]

Like sand through the hourglass, these are the days of our crafts. I love sand art, I love love love it, and we have some remarkable mandala-type thingies for you to make this week in the shape of the sun or the moon. These self-adhesive boards merely require you to peel back paper to expose the sticky side where you then sprinkle colored sand. It’s like a very grainy paint-by-number. They’re round, which means they look especially new age.

Round art is inherently subversive because it just doesn’t fit into the uniformly accepted and practical square frame. We often make 3-D art, or dimensional strangely-shaped crafts at CraftNight, but not a lot of our crafts are unabashedly round. While these mandalas are offering an observably mellow and meditative theme centered around the cosmos, it cannot be denied that round art is sometimes just a glorious pain in the ass. Round art insists. Round art will not politely exist with all the other stuffy wonders on the wall in a neat and respectable tableau. That’s why you should come in and try your hand at sprinkling colored sand, it’s trouble-making at it’s most benign.

Speaking of trouble-making, i’s officially Gay Pride Month, which means it’ll be pretty festive around here. We’ll begin June with the sun and the moon sand art pieces, and next week we’ll have rainbow necklaces for everyone to assemble. Get ready!!!

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


JUNE 11th: ARTIST BLOCK TALK WITH JP (that’s me) at Echo Park Film Center! I’m an artist and I know things and I have advice about artist blocks, and making stuff! Come get knowledge and treats! More info FB Event

COMING UP IN SUMMER>>>> CraftNight Campfire Resort at Akbar!!! All of the camping, none of the nature! Huzzah! As soon as the summer solstice hits, it’s campin’ time! Get ready…

Lesbians in scrubs! Jesus-worshipping meth heads! Racial segregation! Live singing and dancing! Wait, what? That’s right, take everything you love about Orange Is the New Black and put it to music, and you’ve got Orange Is the New Musical: The UnauthorizedParody! Extended for one night only—Saturday, June 13, in Downtown Los Angeles—this bawdy, hilarious tribute features a cast of 30 incredible performers, a live band, more than 15 original songs that you’ll be humming for days.



Posted by on May 30, 2015 in Sand Craft

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BINGO Tonight • Phone Cozy Tomorrow • May 26th/27th, 2015


This Wednesday, May 27th, 2015 from 9pm until midnight (or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!! Project: Phone Cozy  
$3 Processing fee, please
$4 Drink Specials, confidence in motion…  

Extra Info bottom of this email about some thangs.

Now then…

Phones are great, they do a lot of great things, and also we should be smashing, forgetting and unplugging them and throwing them in the river. But despite my beliefs, we’re making phone cozies this week at CraftNight, because you probably need one. Everybody needs one.

You need a phone cozy because you’ll drop your phone, and a phone cozy will protect it from getting a nasty crack in it’s zillion dollar touch-sensitive screen.

You need a phone cozy because germs are all around us, and some of those germs will stick to your phone and get on your face or be transported back and forth from your dirty paws and ewwww, gross.

You need a phone cozy because you live in a world where your personal style says EVERYTHING about you and how much success and poise you’ve managed to cultivate in this cutthroat world of professionals. When you answer your phone in business meetings, colleagues will swallow back tears of jealousy and rage because they’ve never seen a phone cozy like yours. Your custom phone cozy will be noticed by the elite, they’ll take your hand and raise you up to the throne of riches and prosperity, and your rivals will be defeated.

If you want all of that, then get thee to Akbar where the spirits flow, the laughter is long, everyone is attractive, and your crafts are waiting.

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain

TONIGHT!!! (Toosdee) DAY BEFORE CRAFTNIGHT!!! WIN BIG AT BINGO!!!!  May26th, 8pm – 10pm, AKBAR >>> Bet Yer Bottom Bingo!!! 50 cents per card, prizes galore including drink tickets, boozy bottles of spirits (including 2 bottles of 5-times filtered Cîroc vodka in 2 different tropical flavors), strange and fantastic treats plus a killer grand prize this month! THE GOLDEN BINGO GRAND PRIZE OMG: CIARA!!!Saturday May 30 – Club Nokia. Doors 8pm – show 9pm ONE PAIR OF TICKETS!!!

Tickets courtesy of the totally awesome and fabulous GoldenVoice


JUNE 11th: ARTIST BLOCK TALK WITH JP (that’s me) at Echo Park Film Center! I’m an artist and I know things and I have advice about artist blocks, and making stuff! Come get knowledge and treats! More info FB Event

COMING UP IN SUMMER>>>> CraftNight Campfire Resort at Akbar!!! All of the camping, none of the nature! Huzzah! As soon as the summer solstice hits, it’s campin’ time! Get ready…


Posted by on May 25, 2015 in Fabric Craft

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Floating Ship • May 20th, 2015

This Wednesday, May 20th, 2015 from 9pm until midnight (or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!! Project: Floating Ship  
$3 Processing fee, please
$4 Drink Specials, get to mingling, soon you’ll be tingling! 

It’s a simple foam ship, you assemble it, decorate it, and then head out on the high seas!

Against the elements, despite the primal dangers of the seas and the universe’s seemingly or total non-obligation to serve you in any way, you are OUT THERE on the water living, surviving, being fabulous!

This craft is so awesome because it really does float, you can take it to a friend’s pool and watch it bob around on the drink. You can pretend to be fiercely obsessive Captain Ahab or instead pretend to be tattooed and determined Queequeg! Navigate your boat your way, independent, free and to different shores.

Take that ship, take that plane, even if it’s for one day, even if it seems impossible. There is power in the “reset” button. Give yourself a different environment, some silence, some trees, I don’t know, whatever it is that you don’t usually get, do your best to detach from the grind, and have some recreation.

Are you aware that every American owns the deed to 635 million acres of public land? I’m talkin’ about Yosemite! Yellowstone! The Grand Canyon! Carlsbad! The Great Smoky Mountains! And then I heard crafts and cocktails is a pretty good local substitute if you just can’t get away.

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


NEXT WEEK!!!! WIN BIG AT BINGO!!!!  May26th, 8pm – 10pm, AKBAR >>> Bet Yer Bottom Bingo!!! 50 cents per card, prizes galore including drink tickets, boozy bottles of spirits, strange and fantastic treats plus a killer grand prize this month! THE GOLDEN BINGO GRAND PRIZE OMG: CIARA!!!Saturday May 30 – Club Nokia. Doors 8pm – show 9pm ONE PAIR OF TICKETS!!!

Tickets courtesy of GoldenVoice




Posted by on May 6, 2015 in Assembly Craft

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