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January 23rd, 2013• Crafting on the High Seas on National Pie Day

This week's CraftNight flyer brought to you by Sarah Williams

This week’s CraftNight flyer brought to you by Sarah Williams

This Wednesday, January 23rd, 2013 from 9pm until 12 (sometimes later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!!
Project: Seafaring Crafts on National Pie Day 
$2 Suggested Donation 
$4 Cosmopolitan Drink Special: The Akbar Cosmo is the one Cosmo to have when you are having more than one.
NATIONAL PIE DAY: There will be pie!

According to The National Pie Council, this Wednesday is National Pie Day. Take a moment and just let that sink in. The gift of pie will be present at CraftNight for anyone lucky enough to get here and have a slice. Support your local pie makers!

Gray whales are heading down south in large numbers, the sea is rich with a highway of super mammals, all heading for their calving grounds in Baja. You can drive 60  miles north, get on a boat and possibly see WHALES near the Channel Islands. Now if you’re not in the mood for that, you can drive 60 miles east, get yourself up to Mt. Baldy and go tubing or skiing in the SNOW.

If anyone is giving you crap about Los Angeles this week, tell them that in January you can see WHALES AND SNOW ON NATIONAL PIE DAY and then see what they say. Because that’s just crazy, isn’t it? I mean, nothing’s crazier than that. The only thing that could possibly be crazier would be a gray whale in skis, doing a slalom down Mt. Baldy while also eating a piece of delicious pie. We live in an amazing arena of incredible opportunities!!! Along with whales and snow, you get crafts, pie and cocktails, there’s so much stuff to do around here I’m not sure how anyone can even THINK of being bored.

This craft will involve eye patches, sailing ships and some other sea-themed knickknacks for you to assemble and decorate! I also have a few sea-themed appliqués, available this Wednesday ONLY!!! And don’t forget: there is still a wee chance you could show up at CraftNight and get the coveted January “Golden Pinecone Pin” one in a series of 12 pins, a different pin each month. Very few are left, I hope you get one!

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain




Posted by on January 22, 2013 in Uncategorized

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January 16th, 2012 • Yarn-n-Sparkle Beer Bottle Candle Craft


This Wednesday, January 16th, 2013 from 9pm until 12 (sometimes later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!!
Project: Yarn-n-Sparkle Beer Bottle Candle Craft 
$2 Suggested Donation 
$4 Cosmopolitan Drink Special: The Akbar Cosmo, richness worth a second cup. 
SPECIAL OFFER: Crafters in January will receive a free “Golden Pinecone Badge” in January only! Limited stock! You only get one by showing up in person, first come, first serve, when I’m out, I’m out! Every month a different badge, collect all 12!

This yarn and beer bottle craft only happens every two years, I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often, because I have enough yarn to knit a sweater for Akbar’s entire building. Look for more yarn crafts in 2013, we have only the best and brightest skeins for inspiration.

The general tendency for this weeks featured craft is to obtain a bottle (done very easily at our bar) and put glue on it, and then arrange yarn onto the bottle in pleasing colors and patterns, and voila, it makes a great candle holder! So then we’ve got yarn, bottles, candles and more!

This year, I’m taking it to the next level, revvin’ it, ampin’ it, jackin’ it, vampin’ it UP WITH SPARKLY THINGERS! You will be able to add sparkly personality to your candle in the form of pokey things that are kind of a combination of gems and tacks, in that you can stick them IN the candle and make the candle itself be part of your miraculous centerpiece!

Before you get all cold feet and freaked out by thinking “oh, this is a complicated one!” just STOP thinking that way and get in here. You’ve got to remember that there’s nothing to fear at CraftNight, and even if there was: the emotion of fear has nothing to do with success! Lots of people are scared to try new experiences, or things that are complex or new or weird, and just the attempt to try anything new or differently is a success in itself.

If you feel flubbed up on your New Year’s resolutions, the Georgian New Year happened just last night, so you can start over, and if that doesn’t work for you, the Chinese New Year is coming up, and you can revisit your goals and aspirations, dust yourself off and try again.

See you and the yarn at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on January 15, 2013 in Uncategorized

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January 9th, 2013 • Pinecone Pinecone, who’s got the Pinecone!

This Wednesday, January 9th, 2013 from 9pm until 12 (sometimes later) at Akbar, it’s THE FIRST CRAFTNIGHT OF 2013!!!!
Project: Total Pinecone Craft
$2 Suggested Donation 
$4 Cosmopolitan Drink Special: The Akbar Cosmo, don’t let thirst happen to you. 
SPECIAL OFFER: Crafters in January will receive a free “Golden Pinecone Badge” in January only! Limited stock! You only get one by showing up in person, first come, first serve, when I’m out, I’m out! Every month a different badge, collect all 12!

Far be it from CraftNight to overlook the ingenious pinecone.
We’ve been in quite the wintry way these past few weeks, with night time temperatures in the 40s, an exciting development for our glittery city by the sea. It’s a two-parter, wherein you can make a pinecone gift to nature, OR make a pinecone conversation piece, or both! Here are the details:
1.) PINECONE BIRD FEEDER – In the “cold” weather, birds need FAT, so I’m stirring up a little birdseed/peanut butter/shortening mixture, which we’ll call “veggie suet” and you can spend some time packing the mixture into the cone, tying some yard to it and hanging it on a tree when you get home. Los Angeles is home to many a brown nuthatch, and they LOVE to eat!
2.) PINECONE CREATURE – This will be a fanciful home made kit I’m putting together that will enable the crafter to build a creature of some sort, diagrams will be supplied, but if you want to just freeform it, that’s okay too, and this ornament will be suitable as a gift, or a showpiece for your home or office.

It’s nice to be back, come one, come all, get ready for an exciting year of wonderful crafts!

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain



Posted by on January 8, 2013 in Uncategorized

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LAST CraftNight of 2012!!! • Cork Reindeer Winter Spree!


TONIGHT! Wednesday December 19th, 2012 from 9pm to midnight (or later!) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: Cork Reindeer, SnowGlobe Diorama Ornament and MORE!
$2 Donation suggestion
Drink Special: The $4 Akbar Cosmopolitan: Unpretentiously luxurious!

This is the LAST CraftNight before we start thinking about 2013! If you haven’t been to CraftNight all year long, if you’ve been thinking and mulling and musing “Gee, I really gotta get in there” the last 360-something days of 2012 and you never made it in to see us, THIS IS IT! It’s going to be terrible fun, because I’ve got seasonal crafts galore for you to do, including TWO KINDS OF REINDEER CRAFTS and an amazingly charming little snowglobe diorama-type ornament thing that is sort of too awesome to believe.

The next CraftNight on the roster will be January 9th, 2013. I’m taking TWO WEEKS OFF to regroup and bring you new and exciting premium craft experiences!

What a year it was. As you sweat in your cable knit sweater, in your cloak and your wellingtons as you stare off into the fog on the edge of the cliffs gazing out into the distance like someone in a Bronté novel, I’ve got a few meditations for you.
1.) Your successes, what were they?
2.) Did you learn any lessons new this year? Anything you’d do over if you could?
3.) What would you like to accomplish in 2013 that you didn’t do in 2012, and why is it important to you?
4.) Who are the people you are most grateful for?
5.) How do you give us the best of you, and how will you share the best of yourself with us in 2013?

CraftNight wishes you a warm and happy holiday season, take the time to have some unscheduled “nothing” time if you can. Reflect on your basic goodness, the luck you have had, the things you can do, and know we’ll be rooting for you along the way now and always. In the midst of running around with all this holiday stuff, between every bright lightbulb and 20% off sign, around the brake lights, interchanges and crosswalks, we’re all just so much human fluff. The fluff of human kindness constantly needs bolstering and help from your heart and others, and now is as good a time as any to get started (see links below.)

See you at the Craft Table,
JP Craft Captain


The U.S. Postal Service has established a unique Post Office Box for people to send letters of condolence to the Newtown, Connecticut community.If you wish to send expressions of comfort you can address them to:

Messages of Condolence for Newtown
PO Box 3700
Newtown CT 06470

Newtown Youth and Family Services said that its Caroline’s Gift fund will accept donations and relay the funds directly to those affected by the shooting.
You can also provide financial support to the families for funeral services and a memorial to the town by donating to the The Newtown Memorial Fund

Two hundred thousand displaced Syrian children need protection from the cold. Donate to help UNICEF to meet the urgent needs of these children.

Donate to the Philippine Red Cross to help give much needed services to survivors of Typhoon Pablo.

Hurricane Sandy recovery is still going strong, here’s where you can donate to the Red Cross.

Here is the Red Cross Holiday Giving Catalog, where you can help nationally or globally with things like shelter, vaccinations and food.



Posted by on December 19, 2012 in Uncategorized

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TONIGHT! Hanukkah Bonanza with GingerBread People!

TONIGHT! December 12th, 2012 from 9pm – 12-ish at Akbar it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: Assorted Hanukkah Crafts and Gingerbread People 
$2 Suggested Donation 
$4 Cosmopolitan Drink Special: The Akbar Cosmo, Solution for a Small Planet.

Veronica LeBron, CraftNight Lieutenant extraordinaire, will be there to assist you in the choosing of your craft for this evening! You can color, cut and place decorations of your liking on the various foam forms we have collected for your use. We’ve got scratch dreidels, menorahs, winter craft items and adorable gingerbread people! I won’t be there tonight because I am prepping for a very big Friday, and if you want to know what that’s all about, visit SparkleBlob and hopefully we’ll see you at a show!
See you at the Craft Table,
JP Craft Captain

Posted by on December 12, 2012 in Uncategorized

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