Happy Wednesday, normally I’d be getting ready to host CraftNight at Akbar, but quarantine continues, right on schedule. Thus, here’s another Covid-19 Coloring Page for you, fantasy edition!
In the past, drawing prompts on my FB page were sometimes used to make Xmas ornaments for recipients who may have only casually thrown an idea into the ring. Other times, the subject matter has been used merely as a personal challenge for making paintings or drawings. This is how the wizards, Dumbledore and Gandalf, ended up in a mini this week.
I have known Kendra since my first week of college, when I asked her if she’d be my friend. Guess what? We’re still friends!
Kendra did indeed ask for exactly this wizard-mini-drawing scenario probably a year or more ago, and the request was duly noted, but alas, time ran out. So when it came around AGAIN (see above) I just had to drop everything and draw it!
Upon drawing this particular vignette, two wizards in a mini, one wonders where two such friends could wander? Gandalf visiting Dumbledore at Hogwarts might be fun, but you can take the train there, no need to use a mini.
However, getting to Mordor has ALWAYS been a schlep, it’s not for anyone without serious adventure chops. A mini might be preferred for quick turns and zippy getaways.
Maybe Gandalf was like “Hey Dumbledore, take a drive with me to check out my old room mate, Sauron’s, realm! It’s CRAZY, it’s got a bunch of orcs, and trolls, and hobbits, there’s a volcano, and Sauron built a giant eye on a stick that we have to avoid so he doesn’t see us coming. Sauron’s kind of a grumpy guy, but once you get to know him he’s just a big softy.”
So thank you, Kendra, for being vigilant in your appeal for this drawing. The beards are flying out the windows as you wish… but… I cheated a little bit, I made the auto an ORIGINAL actual British mini to make the car just that much smaller. And this is a THREE wizard drawing, with the addition of Sauron… snooping with his obnoxious giant spying eyeball on a stick. They did start driving in town, but kept going and ended up in Mordor, like ya do.
The first three coloring pages were nice and easy, but this one’s one to chew on, it’s got lots of nooks and crannies for coloring! Hope you enjoy it, all of these are 8.5 X 11, by the way, suitable for any garden-variety home printer.
And please DO share your finished coloring pages with me, I love seeing how y’all use your hues and tints!
The Eye of Sauron! Middle Earth has many attractions… Mount Doom, kind of a warm spot Detail of Dumbledore (left) and Gandalf (Right)