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Votive with FREE Electro-Candle! • July 22nd, 2015


This Wednesday, July 22nd, 2015 from 9pm until midnight (or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Votive Holder with FREE Electro-Candle! 
$3 Processing fee, please
$4 Drink Specials: Let’s make excellent happen.


It only takes a spark,
to get a fire going,
And soon all those around
can warm up to it’s glowing…

We are not a church by any means, but the traditional purpose of lighting a votive candle is to send a good intention for yourself or someone in need. Back in the day, you’d saunter into the place, buy a candle for a buck, light it, say a prayer, set it and forget it. Your candle would illuminate the vestibule in lovely luminescence with all of the other prayer candles. It was like social media except nice, and pretty much anonymous.

You don’t have to be attending bible camp to light candles and send well wishes into the world.
You can be a regular person who wants to send the planet and its people some good vibes.
A radio signal coming from the heart might not have the most valiant veneer, but I believe that its intention contains a type of cosmic horsepower.
Introspection is also not a requirement of this week’s craft.
If you just like pretty candles and pretty colors, this is the night for you.

I have beautiful glass receptacles and tissue paper, you’ll plaster the glass using the tissue paper (and other crafting geegaws) with a design of your own. When you are finished, I will give you a FREE electro-candle for your votive holder, and the light will shine through the slightly translucent tissue paper and it will be SO PRETTY!
Why electro-candles and not real candles?
One of the things no one ever talks about when they talk about votive candles is their terrible history in burning shit down!!!

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain

PS- We will also have Resort badges for anyone who wants to earn them. You can get a campfire badge, a glowing brain badge, and who knows what else…


Posted by on July 21, 2015 in Uncategorized

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Halloween Frames • October 8th, 2014


This Wednesday, October 8th, 2014 from 9pm to midnight or later at Akbar it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Halloween Keepsake Frames
$2 Processing fee, please
$4 Drink Special is The Lyla, a refreshing whiskey/ginger beer specialty, the toast of Silverlake!
•    Oct. 15th – 9pm Black Light CraftNight DANCE PARTY with DJ Kenefunkport and GLO-KRAFTS!
•    Oct. 22nd – 9pm Scary Sand art and a visit from the Ukelele Orchestra of the Western Hemisphere!
•    Oct. 28th – 8 -10pm Bet Yer Bottom Bingo presents: DIA de LOS BINGO!!! Crazy Prizes, Crazy Night!
•    Oct. 29th – 9pm Pumpkin Carving Karaoke Carnival!
Visit Gothtober! Why? Special Blood Moon Craft Project Download by Billy Kheel for DAY 8, but also, in the words of Homo Jedi, Wendell Jones:

See super cool horror videos by local tree hugging, eco friendly, anti-authoritarian, often feminist or LGBTQ malcontents and some occasionally very cool kids, all who are intent on destroying normality! Go to the link and each day a new treat will be revealed!

It’s a FULL MOON and it’s the BLOOD HUNTER MOON on October 8th! What does it mean to have a Blood Moon? Lunar eclipse, nothing more, except it is the fourth and last of the year, and some believe that this has special significance, and maybe it does!

Some people (not us) will see the deep red eclipse covering the moon, but for the rest of us, we’re just going to gaze at that bright white globe and enjoy it’s brilliant ghostly light.

It’s early yet in the month, so this week, I’ve got Halloween frames for you to make for yourself or a loved one. I’ll have the polaroid to take a snapshot of you ($1 please, polaroid film is expensive!) and you can mail your keepsake far away or hand it over to someone who will be delighted to have it!

This moon is also called the Falling Leaf Moon or Shedding Moon, and indeed, have you noticed the extra dryness in the weather, the crackle, the sharp crisp blue of the sky? Winter is on the horizon, and though it is hot, it’s going to cool down, change is in the air. It is said that the veil between the spirit world and our world is at its thinnest in October.

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on October 7, 2014 in Assembly Craft, Uncategorized

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FlatPak Animals and 5 CraftNight Brain Hacks • June 11th, 2014


This Wednesday, June 11th, 2014 from 9pm until midnight (or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: FlatPack Wooden Animals: Paint and Decorate! 
$2 Processing fee, please
$4 Drink Special: “The Lyla” • The Proud Cocktail with the Whiskey and the Bubbles… 

What’s a flatpak animal, you’re asking? This is when the little facsimile of the animal itself has been laser cut from a flat piece of wood into pieces that assemble said animal. The pieces are popped out of their framing and put together to make an elephant or something like that. There will be paint, there will be wooden animals, there will be music, fun and friends!

5 WAYS TO LET YOUR MIND BE FREE AT CRAFTNIGHT (and other creative pursuits): 

1.) STOP THE VOICES – Remove the voice of your little sister, or your big brother, or the well-meaning cousin, or the cranky teacher/lover/friend who said something a long time ago about what you made and gave their opinion on how it could be improved. Remove your own voice, the voice of practicality, the voice of perfection, the voice of “real adult concerns” just… shut ’em up. Critical voices have no place when you want to let your brain wander.

2.) EXPERTS ARE NOT ALLOWED If anyone decides to start telling you what your project needs or could use without your asking, tell them that all paths to art are different, and ignore their critique. Sometimes the most wrong thing is the very best.

3.) FAILURE IS AWESOME – Popsicle sticks take at least 5 minutes to dry when you glue them together, and sometimes that doesn’t work, and when stuff doesn’t work, you try new approaches. When you try new approaches, you use your brain, and your brain grows. Yay failure, the teacher in disguise!

4.) CRAFTNIGHT MAKES NO SENSE – We’re told ALL THE TIME that stuff needs to make sense. We’re also told that stuff needs to be necessary, useful and good. CraftNight tears down that scaffolding every week. One crafter’s “necessary” is another crafter’s “superfluous” and it’s all labels and constructs anyway. The truth is that we just don’t get to know everything all the time, and some things shall forever remain without answers, definitions or levels of merit.

5.) YOU’RE DOING IT RIGHT – There are a million ways to craft. You can’t do it “wrong” so if you feel your confidence slipping, we’re here to catch it, and hand it right back to you. Self-doubt is natural and even healthy, but if you’re scared of messing up macaroni crafts, well, that’s a little too much worry for any one person to handle. Instead of thinking in terms of “CAN” and “CAN’T” think of it in terms of “TRIED IT” or “HAVEN’T TRIED IT” as the world is your buffet, inviting you to try everything! Enjoy the smorgasbord! 

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on June 10, 2014 in Uncategorized

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Gay Pride Sparkle Visor Easy Listening Dance Basement • June 4th, 2014

This Wednesday, June 4th, 2014 from 9pm until midnight (or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Sparkle Visors! 
$2 Processing fee, please
$4 Drink Special: “The Lyla” • A hanka for a hunka Lyla! 

We’re celebrating Gay Pride all over the map, and just because we’re such flagrant homos over here, the thing to wear is a sparkly glittery visor shining brightly with flashes of summertime light!
I only have 24 of them, so get here early if you want to make one, otherwise, the rest of you will get to explore CraftNight “GRAB BAG” who knows what you’ll get! 

ALSO: BASEMENT DANCE PARTY!!! Easy Listening Style!!! 

Remember being a kid and thinking that adults were sooo weird? Remember how all they’d want to do is stand around, have drinks and TALK?!? Sometimes they’d dance a little, but not much. Other times they might invite each other over and have food… that part always seemed to make sense. But now you can be your own weird adult, and do whatever you want. 
Anyway, I’ve put together a special summertime mix of tracks for you to sway and dance to, channel your inner Stevie Nicks, your Steely Dan, your Kim Carnes, your Linda Ronstadt… I could go on… 

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


Dyke Day LA at Barnsdall Park! 

Lavender Menace Celebration of Women 

First Elders 


Posted by on June 4, 2014 in Uncategorized

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LadyBug Bead Craft Majorly Solves All Your Problems • May 28th, 2014


This Wednesday, May 28th, 2014 from 9pm until midnight (or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Ladybug Bead Project
$2 Processing fee, please
$4 Drink Special: “The Lyla” • Don’t drink a cup of hot fat! Drink a Lyla! 

This ladybug craft will make it so that you won’t be able to concentrate on anything else while you make it. The little craft kit consists of bright pony beads, lanyard material and a handy clasp and clip so that when you’re finished making it, you can tote it around anywhere.
Why a ladybug craft?
Ladybugs signify spring the way spiders represent autumn, it’s just one of those seasonal bugs. A seasonal bug reminder is necessary.
To tell you the truth, however, ladybugs are beetles, they absolutely aren’t bugs. Europeans have been calling them ladybirds for over 500 years, and scientists, being ever proper, call them lady beetles. Lady beetles belong to the Coleoptera class of insects. Contrary to popular belief, you can’t tell the age of a ladybug by counting its spots, you can denote species by color and spot placement, but not the former.
Boy ladybugs are also just called ladybugs. They don’t let being called “ladybugs” keep them from being really great male bugs.
Ladybugs also don’t really seem to care if they’re beetles or birds, they just eat aphids in really large quantities and never look back.
Don’t give a CRAP what anyone says, just do your thing no matter what the hell anyone calls you or whatever, just DO YOUR LIFE and eat stuff that you like and don’t worry about your house being on fire, that’s just ladybug propaganda from back when farmer’s burnt the fields to get rid of other insects.
We’re making ladybug crafts because the ladybug is a symbol reminding you that old stories no longer own you, you’re free!

A woman walked up to the bar, this Memorial Day Weekend.
The music had changed, she said to me “Is Dyke Hour over?”
I looked at her, squinted my eyes and said “Dyke hour is NEVER over.”
She shook my hand.
Because it’s true, if only 10% of the population is Dykes, you can’t afford to be thinking they’ll all disappear when the music changes.
Don’t be letting the music, or the surroundings, or the school, or the work, or the place, or your car, or procrastination keep you from what you want to find, be, do or have. BE A LADYBUG AND GO AFTER WHAT YOU WANT!
See? All your problems solved.

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on May 27, 2014 in Uncategorized

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