Age does not protect you from love. But love, to some extent, protects you from age. ~Anais Nin |
Craftnight@Akbar! Sept 18th, 2019 @9pm to ’round midnight or later… $3 suggested donation Project: Foxes, Raccoons, Canoes and MORE! |
It’s hard to find a CUTER craft than this week’s little kits I’ve hand-assembled just for you.
ALL of the kits feature felt pieces, pipe cleaners, sticky bits, and a little bit of stitchery. SOME of the kits feature a canoeing raccoon, or a canoeing fox. SOME of the kits have a sunflower, or a wild turkey finger puppet, or a scarecrow, or other fall-season fauna!
Fall season fauna?!?
Yes! We are approaching Fall, and don’t be a ninny and be the 1,000th person to tell me that Los Angeles doesn’t have weather.
The ENTIRE EARTH tilts on its axis for Autumn, which means everything on earth is effected, and that includes Southern California.
LA has weather, but if you’re not into nuance, then you’re not gonna notice. Here are some of the ways to know:
The days are getting shorter, the shadows are longer, the quality of light shifts and the sky is gonna get dazzling bombsicle blue. Berries are at their peak for harvest, starlings begin their mumerations. Jews have to leave work for a bunch o’ holidays that will close half of Hollywood, lower traffic, and confuse gentiles. People who live in Malibu are going to start dressing like they live in Ireland. Billboards are going to feature people wearing MORE clothes, not less. Pumpkin-Spice-Everything starts creeping into every coffee shop or grocery store you visit.
And then… there are the Santa Ana Winds.
Prepare yourself for the most witchy, uncompromising, allergy-causing, supernatural, fiery blowhard hot bluster express that will bring you to your knees. The Santa Anas bring tense, wrathful moods to Angelenos, they connect you to your animal temperament, your base level, your werewolf nature.
Everything feels edgy, sharp, and weird. We can’t wait!
While we get ready for that eventuality, bring yourself to our delightful queer haven of libations, music, fellowship, and crafting!
See you at the Craft Table, Craft Captain JP
Sassy September

I had the great pleasure of directing Thelma & Leweeze the Musical! Now showing at Casita del Campo’s Cavern Club Celebrity Theater, this is one hell of a good time.
TWO SHOWS LEFT this upcoming Friday and Saturday! Treat yourself to a margarita and a kickass show! TICKETS HERE

25th – LAMBDA LITFEST Literary-Themed Craft! (Craft Capt. JP)
Upcoming OCTOBER!
2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd

7:30pm • 6 Games
Big Bottles o’ Booze
YUMMY Prizes
Big Bottles o’ Booze
Hot bartenders, cold drinks!