Category Archives: Uncategorized


NO CRAFTS TONIGHT! Wednesday, June 21st, 2017    

Dear Crafters, it is indeed VERY unusual to have TWO WEEKS of no crafts, but there it is! I no longer have the flu, but now I am up north giving my family utmost priority because we’re all going through a family emergency thing.

CraftNight will be back next week, so check in by visiting or visiting CraftNight on FB.

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain

are welcome!


Posted by on June 21, 2017 in Uncategorized

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NO CRAFTS TONIGHT! Wednesday, June 14th, 2017    

I have succumbed to quite the terrible flu. It is a flu you don’t want, a flu you don’t wish on anyone.

This flu arrived so swift and so powerful that I’m barely a person. My brain can’t even parse the idea of a side project or get a sub for tonight, which, if you know CraftNight, is very very RARE. Sometimes you just gotta not do something. This is one of those times.

CraftNight will be back ASAP, so check in by visiting or visiting CraftNight on FB.

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain

are welcome!


Posted by on June 14, 2017 in Uncategorized

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A Valentine Treat from CraftNight! February 2017

Yesterday’s CraftNight was a HUGE SUCCESS with everyone coming in and making Valentines for Politicians!

These are valentines of yesteryear that have been outfitted with messages from today’s current political climate in mind! Some of you were unable to make it to CraftNight, and I think it’s important to put these in the hands of as many people as possible so that we may send them to capitol hill and make our voices heard!

So hear you go, download and mail!

Cut these out, paste them and send them to politicians you love, or politicians who are on the fence about issues you care about, or politicians you can’t stand, these are four pages of sassy scraps that tell it like it is!

Share this link with everyone, and tell your friends about CraftNight, we are a Los Angeles-based non-profit arts organization powered by YOU!

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NEW! 2-Page Downloadable PDF of where to send your valentines, CA politician info, National Politician info, and even more info after that! 

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Posted by on February 10, 2017 in Scrapping/Coloring Craft, Uncategorized

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First CraftNight of the Year! January 4th, 2017

TONIGHT! Wednesday, January 4th, 2017 from 9pm until midnight (or later) it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: TBD
$3 Donation Please 
$4 Drink specials! Akbar: The way and the life and the truth!   

It’s a TBD craft tonight, because I’m going craft supply hunting after I finish writing this!

I’m not gonna lie, January 4th is a rough day for me, it’s the 10th anniversary of the murder/death of one of my best friends ever: Helen Hill. The day she died, in such an abrupt and brutal way, well it pretty much instantly removed my soul and my sanity for a year and a half, shattering all of my known regulatory abilities to maintain any sense of normalcy that I’d once understood. I have never been the same.

Helen loved CraftNight. Whenever she visited town, she’d try to come to it and take part in the crafting. She was generous, fearless, and a big fan of “together art.” This compelled me to not cancel CraftNight the week of her death, even though I could barely function. And I’m glad I did it, because even though I felt the most crushed and frail and vulnerable, people came to me. We were together, doing and making art… even in a perfunctory numb sense, even though no one had any words, we had crafts. This was community, and it is why CraftNight is very much still happening, and now in it’s 15th year.

Before, CraftNight had always been there for others, but now I needed it more than ever.

The power of CraftNight is it’s constancy, it’s a light in the dark, it’s art in a world where people think that art and connection is unimportant, eschewed, forgotten, and lost. I share myself with you every week, reaching out even on days when I want to retreat, because I am committed to my life’s work: Making art, and getting you to make art also. Just when I feel like I can’t do it, you are there to do it with me, and I am restored.

Over the years, CraftNight has lost more than one Crafter. Tonight, we will have a candle lit for those we love and miss who used to sit with us at the Craft Table. In December of 2016, we lost Mel Ba, who was so goddamn sweet and tiny and awesome and arty! She would come on in and sit down and craft like there was no tomorrow. The last time I saw her, she was ailing big time, and said so as much, but after she hugged me, she walked right past me and reached for the supplies, because gurrrl, she had crafting to do.

I don’t like to be on display when I am vulnerable and thinky. But I also don’t believe in keeping grief shrouded, I prefer to stay lucid, to confront the excruciating and uncomfortable feelings as best as I can. Making a commitment to share this with you is part of what has opened my eyes and further honed my beliefs in arts and letters and love: we need each other.

Helen’s films can be viewed here, May I recommend “Scratch and Crow” for today’s cloudy day, a meditation of sorts, poetry and animation, not shy, ever endearing, forever brave. I will always have the joy, laughter and lessons Helen and I  learned together, and the things she taught me. Speaking of which:

In 2017, prepare to make more trouble, it’s CraftNight’s new year’s resolution. We will be using our voices, our puffballs, paint and glitter and glue to take action. We shall be visible, we shall be outspoken, and ready to help California fight the coming administration on climate change, immigration, healthcare, LGBT issues and more.

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on January 4, 2017 in Uncategorized

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Winter Break Continues…

Winter Break is Upon Us, Happy Holidays from CraftNight! 

Time to take some rest, sip hot cider slowly, not move around a whole lot, and build strength for 2017.

Our very first CraftNight of 2017 shall commence on January 4th at 9pm, come on in and get warm, have a beverage, have hugs and have fun with us!

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on December 22, 2016 in Uncategorized

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