Category Archives: Uncategorized

Tonight! May 9th, 2012 • Shrinky Dinks!

This Wednesday (tonight) from 9pm(ish) until 12(or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
$2 Processing Fee
$4 Cosmopolitan Drink Special – If you don’t have time to cut a sandwich in half, calm down and cosmo it. 



Posted by on May 9, 2012 in Uncategorized

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May 2nd, 2012 • Cinco de Mayo Craft

This Wednesday (tonight) from 9pm(ish) until 12(or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Cinco de Mayo Craft!
$2 Processing Fee
$4 Cosmopolitan Drink Special – ¡Ole!

We’re making sombreros out of paper plates and cups, it’s Cinco de Mayo on the 5th of May, so it’s good to be prepared, don’t you think?
Only the extremely fashionable in Los Angeles will be seen with their paper sombreros this close to Mexican Independence Day.
The revolution begins with you.
Such a statement may sound trite and pithy, but I concur.
One small shift in the way you decide to saunter over to CraftNight and not to the cable box, and the thread of existence is already something other than it was before, a tiny change with HUGE results. What you do at CraftNight may feel silly, no big deal, a difference in pleasure and camaraderie imperceptible to the average nightlife attendee, but make no mistake, such activity is far from insignificant.
The tiny ways of working with puffballs, glitter, colors and shapes in a bar is another way of being in and of the world in a way that upholds an ancient consciousness that is elemental to humans hanging out together.
Come hang with us, it’s bound to be somethin’ special!

See you at the Craft Table,
JP Craft Captain

Akbar’s Site

CraftNight’s Site


Posted by on May 2, 2012 in Uncategorized

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April 25th, 2012 • Wooden Jungle Animal Puzzles

This Wednesday (tonight) from 9pm(ish) until 12(or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Wooden Jungle Animal Puzzle
$2 Processing Fee
$4 Cosmopolitan Drink Special – Takes a Drinking and keeps on winking!

Be it gorilla, monkey, tiger or toucan, whichever one you pick tonight is yours for the assemblage and coloration to fit your fancy. I’m saying “puzzle” but that’s really a loose term, they come with instructions that are pretty easy, and we’re pretty relaxed about instructions around here anyway, when it comes to building your own kickass art project. It’s time to get wild like the jungle, like the clouds approaching from the Pacific’s weather system, mighty and unpredictable.

Upon viewing the weather reports, I was skeptical, but now that the trees are blowing fairly sideways and it’s a rollicking swirl of various native (and not so native) plants heaving about losing leaves… it might be safe to say that it’s going to rain. And if it rains, I implore you, visit us anyway, visit us because it’s SO MUCH FUN to brave the rain and feel like an explorer/adventurer in your own city! The big drops aren’t supposed to start until 11pm, if that. Maybe we’ll just get hit with wind and that’ll be that. However it turns out, we just want to see you walk in the door!

Attend CraftNight without any worry of some algorithm-seeking robot sending you ads by spying on your behavior, leave such onerous and creepy tasks to Google and Facebook! Try analog tonight and surround yourself with the company of very real humans and very real cocktails! Fight the borg! Use your hands! Do something useless, enjoy frivolity to the full extent that our physical quantity allows!

See you at the Craft Table (I’m back from Brooklyn!)
JP Craft Captain

Akbar’s Site

CraftNight’s Site


Posted by on April 25, 2012 in Uncategorized

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April 18th, 2012 • Milk Carton Crafts + Tits N Stache

TONIGHT! APRIL 18th, 2012 from 9pm until 12-ish it’s CRAFTNIGHT & TITS N’ STACHE!!!
Project: Milk Carton Craft
$2 Processing fee, please
$4 Cosmopolitans (less than a gallon of gas and three times the fun)

DJ R.E.L. will be spinning all your lady favorites – Riot Grrl, Electro, 90s, Bmore

$2 Donation Kissing Booth! – A fundraiser to make our upcoming event bigger and better than last time! Bring your dollar bills and don’t be shy!

For more information Tits N Stache visit:

See you at the Craft Table! (I’m still in NY, but will be back next week!)
JP Craft Captain


Posted by on April 18, 2012 in Uncategorized

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TONIGHT! April 11th, 2012 • Banks

TONIGHT! April 11th, 2012 at Akbar from 9-ish until about 12 or later, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Banks! 
$2 processing fee, please
$4 Cosmos – The Akbar Cosmo: No one can drink just one… 

It would be so much fun to just forget about taxes and not ever have to fill out the forms or keep the receipts or drive to weird far-away offices and sign things and mail things and hope it will be all okay and not anxiety-inducing. BUT. We’re into reality here at CraftNight, so we’ve got some paper BANKS for you to keep a little mad money for when you’re wondering just how much money it takes to fill a city pothole?
A person could perhaps use a little cash in a secret bank made of cardboard of which the government has no knowledge. This secret cardboard bank could be your safeguard in case of complete societal meltdown, we’d love to believe it isn’t so… but we are CraftNight, and we are ready for the future, no matter what the future may hold. Come in and make a bank!
Your hosts this evening will be Craft Lieutenants Veronica LeBron, Coral Lobera and Elaine Walker, experts in manning CraftNight, you’ll be in good hands. My hands are in Brooklyn, typing this, as well as the rest of me.

See you at the Craft Table (eventually),
JP Craft Captain

Akbar’s Site

CraftNight’s Site


Posted by on April 11, 2012 in Uncategorized

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