Category Archives: Uncategorized

Sleeping Mask Madness • May 22nd, 2013


This Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013 from 9pm to midnight (or later!) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Sleeping Masks
$2 donation situation
$4 Cosmopolitan Drink Special >>> The Akbar Cosmo: Discover a cocktail that defines a new dimension of sassy (or trashy, depends on how many you decide to drink…)

CraftNight Lieutenant, Elaine Walker, has procured for us an entire BAG of awesome sleeping masks, you know, the ones they give out in airplanes, the lacy pink ones you see in technicolor movies in the froofy boudoir of a female protagonist? This is your opportunity to get one of these masks and make it YOURS through the adornment style of your choice. And then it’s time to nap.
I’m not only a romance activist, I am also a staunch nap activist. I BELIEVE IN NAPS. And before you get all “I can’t take naps, blah blah blah” here is what we know so far from years of studying napping people with electrodes stuck to their heads:

  • THE 2-5 MINUTE MICRO NAP = Effective at shedding sleepiness
  • THE 5-20 MINUTE MINI NAP = Improvement in motor performance, alertness and stamina
  • THE 26 MINUTE “NASA” NAP = A 1995 NASA study that found a “26-minute nap improved performance 34% and alertness 54%.
  • THE 60 MINUTE NAP = Improves alertness for up to 10 hours

Nothing zaps stress more than a nap, your heart rate and overall health is improved by napping, and every non-human mammal in the world naps, we humans just adjusted those naps to fit into one full night, which isn’t actually all that natural or workable for some of us. When you catch yourself feeling super sleeping between 1-4pm, that’s because you’re actually programmed to feel that way at that time.

The protestant work ethic (largely the Calvinistic variety and tied heavily to American capitalism) is outdated, folks, just like how ye olde having one 9 – 5 job for 40 years (unless it’s a county job, woop woop!) is NOT THE NORM, some of us work 10 – 14 hour days to make deadlines! It’s time to stop seeing a nap as “lazy” and look at a naps as “opportunity.” For some, napping just isn’t available, or easy, but if at some point, those variables change, give it a whirl, the benefits are vast. No matter what hours you’re working, or vacationing, getting a bit of snooze time is overall good for you and the rest of the world.

If you want to know more, check out the Boston Globe’s guide to napping!

And yeah, even whales nap, here’s some video… 

See You at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on May 20, 2013 in Uncategorized

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Make-a-Mug! TONIGHT! • May 8th, 2013


It is CraftNight TONIGHT! • 9pm – 12am • $2 Donation • AKBAR • $4 Cosmopolitans!!! Strong!!!

Oh my goodness last week, to save myself time, I wrote an awesome post about “make-a-mugs” tried to schedule automated publishing, and not only did it NOT publish on the scheduled date, WordPress erased that post and the week before’s… which leads me to believe I didn’t quite press the right buttons when I tried to save myself time. It’s that thing where technology is not always the easiest solution, “user friendly” is always up for interpretation, and writing posts and trying to schedule them at 3am is maybe not the wisest time block to do logistics.

Yadda yadda who cares about that though because COME IN AND MAKE A MUG! Holds hot or cold drinks, practical for “National Nursing Week” or Mothers Day or any other May holiday where you have to give a gift that is timeless, practical and custom built for those you care about and love.

I’ll see you at the Craft Table Tonight!!

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on May 7, 2013 in Uncategorized

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Continuing Craft Vault Selections • April 24th, 2013

TONIGHT! April 24th, 2013 from 9pm to midnight (or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Continuing Selections from the CraftNight Vault! (Choose your own adventure)
$2 Processing Fee Donation, Please
$4 Drink Special is the Akbar Cosmopolitan: It only tastes expensive.

Over 10 years of CraftNight means that I have more crafts in storage than you can shake a pipe cleaner at, so I’m continuing April’s “craft spring cleaning” by bringing a variety of projects for you to explore! Come in, get a cosmo, sit down, hang out, enjoy!

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain   •  •


Back in the day at the C.I.C.L.E. booth, Shay's on the right. The other photo is Shay rockin' her electro wheelchair when she was able to sit upright.

Back in the day at the C.I.C.L.E. booth, Shay’s on the right, her partner Liz is on the left: true high school sweethearts! The other photo is Shay rockin’ her electro wheelchair when she was able to sit upright.

Shay Wiessler-Sanchez and her partner, Liz, are good friends of mine. They started  Cyclists Inciting Change thru LIVE Exchange (C.I.C.L.E.) they have been a dynamic duo for the Los Angeles community, leaders, do-ers, truly awesome women.

Shay is super arty, she draws and makes stuff, but all of that has been taken away from her, along with her beloved bicycle riding. Here is Shay’s story in a nutshell, written at a time when she was doing better.

Liz and Shay have an opportunity to go to the famous Mayo clinic, where they have secured appointments with specialists to hopefully help save Shay’s life.They need to get to Minnesota (Shay needs to stay flat on her back the entire time they travel, so it’s a road trip.)

To help with their journey to the Minnesota Mayo Clinic, please send your donation to Shay’s fund. 

To be clear, the site says it has $8,000.00 in it, but they’ve already gone through that in the last year just trying to keep up with all of the various hospital stays, doctors appointments and medications that Shay has needed. and continues to require. If you want to know more, I can put you in touch with Liz, who can tell you everything about Shay’s condition, donation info, etc. and if you EVER need a medical advocate, she is AMAZING.

These are real Angelenos in your town. You might not know them, but they changed this city for good with C.I.C.L.E. (which continues to kick ass, Hi Dan! (executive director) and now they could use some help from the people. Pass this on to anyone who wants to do some good today.




Posted by on April 24, 2013 in Uncategorized

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Selections from the Vault • April 17th, 2013


TONIGHT! April 17th, 2013 from 9pm until 12-ish, at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: From the Vault: Special Selections hand-picked by your Craft Captain
$2 Donation Processing Fee so Graciously Requested
$4 Famous Akbar Comsmopolitans: The Power of Dreams.

It is Haiku Day
A National Holiday
Grab Bag Crafts Tonight

See you at the Craft Table!
JP Craft Captain


Posted by on April 17, 2013 in Uncategorized

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Light Switch Plate Mod Podge Decoupage Collage • April 10th, 2013


This Wednesday, April 10th, 2013 from 9pm until midnight (or later) at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Light Switch Plate Mod Podge Decoupage Collage
$2 Processing Fee Donation oh so sweetly suggested
$4 Drink Special THE AKBAR COSMO: Richness worth a second glass!

You’ve been staring at your light switch, haven’t you? Days go by, every time you see it you say to yourself “One day, I’m going to switch out that boring light switch with something REALLY SNAZZY.” I’ll be bringing the Mod Podge, some magazines, the gems and glitter glue you love, all the stuff that’s needed to make your light switch SHINE! Mod Podge is sort of like glue, except it’s waaaaay more exciting than glue, it’s also a sealer and a finish, it’s water soluble and it was invented in 1967 in a garage by a woman who decoupaged an entier Volkswagen Beetle. Therefore, I can’t find anything wrong with Mod Podge, a CraftNight decoupage staple.

Now then: where would we be without electricity? Your light switch is the unsung hero of the room, it deserves some appreciation. festoon it’s plate with a selection of collage items just waiting for your hands to implement! Guests will flutter their hands to their chest in admiration, family members will say “Ah, now I understand you!” pets will nod their heads in agreement that your living space is a place of royalty, your lovers will brag to all their other lovers that they have never been loved until they have seen your light switch plate. That is not a euphemism.

See you at the Craft Table, if you have some old magazines you can share for collage, please bring them!

And YES! April’s pin, affectionately deemed “Mr.T-Bone Meaty Eyes” is yours for the having when you come in this month and ONLY this month!

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on April 9, 2013 in Uncategorized

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