May 14th, Secret Wooden Box Keychains

This Wednesday, May 14th, 2008 at Akbar from 9pm til midnight it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: Secret Wooden Box Keychains
$2 processing fee, please

THIS IS IT! LAST CHANCE to pledge your Craft Captain in the AIDS/LifeCycle Ride of 2008! Please please pledge me, even if it’s 10 bucks, I need to make at least $2500 to do this ride, I’m 885 dollars short, every little bit helps, and it will help so many people, and you will get a piece of ORIGINAL JP ART as my personal thanks to you! There is still no cure for the world’s deadliest disease, help make a difference.

Now then:
Secret Wooden Box Keychains… shhhhhh! I said it’s a secret!
I’ve been waiting for this one, I procured them months in advance.
They’re wooden, and oh, about 2″ x 2.5″ so if anybody says “Hey, what’s that big honkin’ attention-getting thing hangin’ from yer keys there?” Simply raise your eyebrows and look at them as if they’re totally daft, and say “Whatever do you mean? I don’t know what you’re talking about.” And jump on your snowmobile and head down the slopes, secret agent style.
I mean, I guess if you’re in the habit of carrying a purse, it’s no problem, you can hide this keychain in there, and no one will know about it until you try to start the car or open the house. But if you tried to stuff it into the pocket of your jeans, the hard wooden corners will most probably give you impressive bruises if you so much as attempt to sit down, soft, boney and pliable human bodies that we are.
Maybe these things were built this way to remind us that secrets are, for the most part, kind of cumbersome and hard to carry. The ethics of secrecy are complicated and challenging. Thus, if you’re going to have secrets, CraftNight suggests that you decorate them well, carry them in style and be prepared that people may pry and snoop when you least expect it. You’ll be ready for them, with your custom decorated secret keychain, there’ll be no busybodies poking into this effective little wooden guardian of personal privacy!

And with that, I’m going to do something I haven’t done in awhile, I’m including a special secret message at the bottom of this message. I’ve spelled it backwards, your mission is to spell it forward, come to CraftNight and recite it to me, and you will get a special prize! Ha!

See you at the Craft Table,
JP Craft Captain
Aids/LifeCycle Rider #6835

••••secret message••••
traeh eht sterces eht setirw ssik a tub ,setatcid evol


Posted by on May 13, 2008 in Uncategorized

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May 7th, Mom-Day Photo Frames

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This Wednesday, May 7th, 2008 from 9pm to midnight at Akbar it’s CRAFTNIGHT! Woooo!

Project: Mom-Day Photo Frames

$2 processing fee, please

Special Note: Your Craft Captain is pedaling 545 miles in the AIDS/LifeCycle Ride at the end of this month, pledge due date is the 16th! Own a JP original piece of art, pledge! Click this link to find out more!

This week we’ve got photo frame flower craft kits, it’s very intensive and very easy as always! Bring a photo of yourself if you can, preferably a close-up, to fit in a circular frame size of 3.5″ x 3.5″ it will look both ridiculous and endearing sitting in the middle of a big ol’ sunflower!

We’re celebrating every and all kind of mother this week, the mothers of invention, mother nature, the moms who can’t be with us, the moms who have gone on before us, moms whose children have gone on before them, the archetypal, peculiar, singular, absent and present, long-tall-short-small-noisy-quiet-determined people who wiped our noses and kept us from running into traffic— even though we thought running into traffic was a great idea… mom knew better. CraftNight pays tribute this Wednesday to women who were legendary and fictional, mothers who are fathers, mothers who raised us by themselves, mothers with funky boyfriends/girlfriends and mothers who came with stepbrothers and sisters. The mother within you, that voice remembering you to drink more water and get more exercise and go to bed earlier. 

Make this sunflower frame and take a moment to celebrate, remember that once you were tiny and helpless, and apparently, someone cared! Now you’re all big, mail ’em a card, say “Thanks for not tying me in a bag and throwing me in the river when I lit the couch on fire!”

Or hey, just make a sunflower for yourself, it’s Spring, we’re almost halfway through the year, can’t think of a better flower for the garden. 

See you at the Craft Table!

JP Craft Captain



Posted by on May 7, 2008 in Uncategorized

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CraftNight Bulletin! April 30th, 2008

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This Wednesday, April 30th, 2008 from 9pm til midnight at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT! 

Project: Sunny Sunglasses!

$2 processing fee, please

Subbing for your Craft Captain this evening: Craft Lieutenant, Emily Skelton!


Dear Crafters, 

I find myself in Zihuatanejo, Mexico, where dogs fall asleep at 2pm everyday, 

and the ocean and sky fight over the color blue 24 hours, 7 days a week. 


We’ll be back to our regular programming next week, but for now, in my stead this 

Wednesday, steering the craft ship is our new Craft Lieutenant, Emily Skelton! 

She’ll be there the regular hours, and our craft is pretty spectacular and sparkly. 

I’ve been reading on the news about those Sierra Madre fires, and when smoke

gets in your eyes, if you’re not evacuating, it’s always good to have a pair of 

state-of-the-art sunglasses. 

And do we have the pair for YOU!

Come in, choose your color or shape, and design the look of your liking! 

Rose-colored glasses are great for summer, they make everyone look just that much

more inspiring.


See you at the Craft Table!

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on April 30, 2008 in Uncategorized

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Paper Bag Puppets! April 23rd, 2008

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You may wander into Akbar and ask “What is this racy young fashion
idea! Paper bag puppets you say?” Well yes, we made paper bag
puppets about six years ago, but they went out of style shortly after
that. But if you’ve read W or Esquire lately, you’ll see they’re de rigueur
all over again, and CraftNight is totally on the pulse of today’s fads,
if not a total trend leader, as such things go.

You may wonder where to go if you haven’t picked up a crayon in
three years. To be sure you know exactly where to go, we invented
Six years of crafts, and it never gets old, getting your hands dirty,
mixing and matching colors and shapes, experimenting and letting
yourself go, cutting loose, shooting for the stars by picking up
one pipe cleaner,
one puffball,
one dot of glue,
one paper bag.

The best things in life don’t have to be expensive, spend 2 bucks and
make a paper bag puppet, treat yourself to meaningful frivolity in one
of the world’s most friendly and beautiful exotic gay bars!

See you at the Craft Table,
JP Craft Captain


Posted by on April 22, 2008 in Uncategorized

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Paper Pinwheels! April 16th, 2008

This Wednesday, April 16th, 2008 from 9pm to midnight at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: Pinwheels
$2 processing fee, please
Also: PLEDGE DRIVE – Pledge me $10 or more for the AIDS/LifeCycle Ride of 2008
and I’ll make you a drawing at CraftNight while you wait! 
****Own a JP original!*****
We’re making Interesting, Worthwhile and Pleasurable Pinwheels this week!
A favorite of 19th century children, the pinwheel is just as fascinating as it ever
was, engaging even the good people of modern society with endless hours of

One look at a harmless pinwheel, and all thoughts of wealth and power recede, 
leaving idleness and contemplative knowledge to usher in a barrage of
lightheartedness and play. Wooo!

I don’t see why we shouldn’t just be making and playing with pinwheels all the 
time! Besides, they look really simple, and they are, for the most part, really 
simple, but then again, complicated and complex. Pinwheels may feel 
old-fashioned, but hidden within them are enigmatic messages older than sand. 

To paraphrase Steve Perry from Journey:

The Pinwheel in the sky keeps on turnin’
I don’t know where I’ll be tomorrow

If you’re runnin’ down that dusty road, or stranded in the sleet and rain, 
duck into Akbar and take part in mischief and drink. 
See you at the Craft Table, 

JP Craft Captain
Akbar is at 4356 Sunset Blvd. (Sunset & Fountain) Los Angeles, CA.
Click here for Akbar’s web page!


Posted by on April 14, 2008 in Uncategorized

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