Oct. 8th, Lucha Wrestlers, Taco Trucks, Triple Chicken Foot!

This Wednesday, Gothtober 8th, 2008 from 9pm to midnight at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: Cut-n-Color Gothtober Lucha Wrestlers & Taco Trucks!
$2 Processing Fee, Please

Okay, it’s GOTHTOBER!
If you don’t know what a Gothtober is, click that link above, and all will be revealed.
We’re celebrating Gothtober all month at CraftNight, with treats, cupcakes, music and special projects!
Be sure to go check the “Special Features” section of the calendar this year, today the Gothtober Zodiac predictions have launched, as well as a brand new spooky FREE download of La Cucaracha from the Electones!
Today is DAY 7 on the calendar, featuring the Miracle Whips, if you’re in need of some good ol’ fashioned subversive fun, do check it out, it’s not only titillating, but fascinating!

What’s happening this Wednesday at CraftNight?
1.) Lush Newton, world-renowned Gothtober artist, has illustrated some cut-n-color crafts of lucha wrestlers and taco trucks for you to make, come try it out, we’ll have wrestling matches and have a taco truck derby! Lush’s Day (as well as another song by the Electones we’re keeping under our hat) will launch on the 10th, so you could say that this Wednesday is a sneak preview!

2.) Triple Chicken Foot is going to play LIVE MUSIC for us, that’s some fiddle-playin’ good times right there, come raise a ruckus tonight! And do put a tip in their hat, they are amazing!

3.) NO ON 8 is looking for phone bank volunteers! Silverlake holds on its back the bulk of Los Angeles phone duty, reaching out to undecided voters who need to be reminded that Everyone should have the choice to marry, it’s a personal and fundamental freedom guaranteed by the California Constitution. You know, maybe you’re not the marrying kind, but even if you’re not… how about those of your friends who want to get married, or in this case, who want to stay married? Do it for them! This thing isn’t in the bag, the YES ON 8 people just launched an expensive, mind-numbingly frightening ad campaign that is actually having some sway. Anyway, there will be NO ON 8 people asking you for some of your time, giving away stickers you can send to your friends and relatives, you know, stuff to help raise awareness, wake people up, etc.

4.) CUPCAKES I’m making halloween cupcakes again, first come, first serve! Woooo!

See you at the Craft Table!
JP Craft Captain aka Head Candycorn of

CraftNight’s Site

Akbar’s Site


Posted by on October 7, 2008 in Uncategorized

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Oct. 1st – Black Cat Pop-Up Puppet and GOTHTOBER!

THIS WEDNESDAY, October 1st, 2008 from 9pm until midnight, at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Black Cat Pop-Up Puppet!
$2 Processing fee, please

Hey Hoo Ha! GOTHTOBER is about to launch!
By day, I’m your mild-mannered Craft Captain, handing out pipe cleaners, refilling glue containers, bringing the art to you and vice versa. But by NIGHT! I am Head Candycorn of Gothober, the world’s only Time-Release Countdown Calendar to Halloween, featuring the work of 31 artists and then some! As a matter of fact, some of your favorite crafters are Gothtober artists, tune in to the site every day and see new art revealed each day of the month.
We’re kicking off the momentous occasion of welcoming in Gothtober with some treats, and Black Cat Pop-Up Puppets! I think black cat pop-up puppets (say that 5 times fast) are perfect for this week, since last week was a week full of dumbfounded amazement, the likes of which we’ve never seen! Is your bank Chase/Manhattan now? Mine is!
I don’t know when I’ve had this many jaw-dropping cringe moments, maybe never, it’s astounding.
Anyway, pull 2 bucks out from under your mattress and come to CraftNight. For less than it takes to enjoy ONE tank of gas, you can come in and make a Pop-Up Cat Puppet and make it “pop-up” whenever something wacky happens, because well…. it’s become rather wacky, and things are probably only going to get wackier. And, as always, the black cat puppet idea is merely a template, if you want to make it into a horsie or a bunny or Nancy Pelosi, that’s fine with me.
October is always a very momentous time of year for CraftNight, we’ve got lots of great surprises this month, if I’m not completely flattened from launching Gothtober, I’m going to make PUMPKIN CUPCAKES, and the first 12 Crafters get them! Wooooo! And we might have live music from the Scumbags this week, but I can’t remember if they have a gig or not, so let’s give it a safe maybe, and for sure it’s going to be the start of a hauntin’ good time!

See you at the Craft Table
JP Craft Captain

CraftNight’s Site

Akbar’s Site


Posted by on September 29, 2008 in Uncategorized

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September 24th, Paper Toilet Tube Cavalcade!!!

This Wednesday, September 24th, 2008 from 9pm to midnight at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!

Project: Paper Toilet Tube Cavalcade!

$2 Processing Fee, Please

The time for hemming and hawing is over, time for something different. Hey it’s FALL. September is the final month before the indefatigable squadron of seasonal holidays starts clogging up the calendar. It’s time to take a chance. Time to DO SOMETHING with all those gosh darn toilet paper rolls that go needlessly to the trash, or that become recycled all boring-like.

The sheer, boundless number of possible crafts one can make out of a toilet paper tube is mind-bogglingly wonderful. You can make a totem pole, a caterpillar, a smokin’ hot-rod, a very practical pen holder for your very chic and sophisticated workstation, a firecracker with flamin’ hot cheetos inside, puppets of glittery “corporate-socialist” political personalities, a windsock that looks kind of like a grumpy neon ghost, a pair of freaky fuzzy binoculars… I’m tellin’ you, come one, come all, it’s endless prospects over here. Fall-time toilet paper tube crafts at CraftNight can turn any emotional low into a longtime high, just visualize, experiment, construct, paint and decorate and WOW! One of the nation’s classic disposable and overlooked standbys shall be TRANSFORMED by your vision, your fortitude, your whim, and you shall reign supreme.

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain

Hey! I updated go see what’s coming up in October! Woooo!

And as always, wonderful fuscia $4 cosmopolitans at our neighborhood oasis, AKBAR.


Posted by on September 24, 2008 in Uncategorized

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September 17th: National Geographic Placemats!

This Wednesday, September 17th, 2008 from 9pm to midnight, at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: National Geographic Placemats!
$2 donation, please

You know about National Geographic, don’t you? Well, we’ve got sets of ’em from every decade, old to new, and I also have lots of contac paper. I figured you could make a manatee placemat, or some kind of cool map-laden kind of placemat, or something about oil rigs, or obscure tribes, glowing machinery, cumulonimbus clouds, make as many themes as you want! Really!
Does this confuse you? Well the surefire way to be confused no more is to forget the cat and drag the curious on in, as this is going to be fun, as usual.
Collage involves hi-octane cutting, gluing and assemblage, bring in any photos you want to put in your placemat, any imagery you can’t be without, bottle labels, bumper stickers, playing cards… whatever you feel will accentuate the message that will sit under your food (or the cat’s food.)
See your fine self over here, yes we will, this week or eventually, we know you can’t stay away.
See you at the Craft Table,
JP Craft Captain


Posted by on September 17, 2008 in Uncategorized

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September 10th: MONSTERS!

This Wednesday, September 10th, 2008 from 9pm to midnight, at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: MONSTERS!!!
$2 processing fee, please

Your Craft Captain is out of town this week officiating a wedding in the Big Apple, and in my place for this Wednesday will be two new Craft Lieutenants: Mike Che and Adrian Avila! These are the first two-fisted, red-blooded MEN running the craft table this week, they are devastatingly handsome, viral, macho and well… crafty. Please come in and see for yourself how the masculine mystique adds a robust and brawny energy to the Craft Table!
And what are we making this week?
We’re going to help you make MONSTERS out of fabric and assorted bits of this and that, some fur, some googly eyes, some yarn… if you aren’t sure what kind of monster to make, we’ll have some sort of schematic available to help guide you in the process.

So come on in and check out the new hunky CraftNight Lieutenants and the MONSTER festivities!

See you at the Craft Table!

JP Craft Captain


Posted by on September 10, 2008 in Uncategorized

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