November 19th, 2008 – HAND TURKEYS!


This Wednesday, November 19th, 2008 from 9pm ’til midnight at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
$2 processing fee, please

Fact #1 – Your hands are your chief organs for physically manipulating your environment.
Fact # 2 – Wild turkeys are brightly-plumed cunning birds of flight.
Fact #3 – A hand turkey is a drawing of a turkey made by tracing your hand, typically using the thumb to represent the turkey’s head, and the fingers for feathers.

Grab your meat hooks and some construction paper, and take part in CraftNight’s Annual Autumn Tradition: THE GRAND AMERICAN HAND TURKEY.
Modify your turkey to suit chosen themes, personalities, moods!
Make a sparkly turkey, a robot turkey, a turkey in roller skates, a turkey that looks more like a lame duck, a pack of turkeys, a mini-turkey, a maxi-turkey… make any kind of turkey you want!

And then send it!
Send it to a friend, send it to an enemy!
Put it in a care package or place it on someone’s windshield, knock on someone’s door and run and hide, and make sure a hand turkey is taped to their doorway!

And speaking of turkeys, I designed a Thanksgiving card for Panorama Press that you can view right HERE!

AND, you can also view my Xmas design HERE!

Ye Olde CraftNighte Christmas Faire happens during December CraftNights 10th and 17th, if you want to sell your wares, contact me! Wooo!

See you at the Craft Table!
JP Craft Captain

CraftNight’s Site

Akbar’s Site


Posted by on November 19, 2008 in Uncategorized

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Nov 12th, 2008 Craft GRAB BAG


This Wednesday, November 12th, 2008 from 9pm to midnight at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!

Project: CraftNight GRAB BAG!

$2 processing fee, please.

Prices from 1981, projects from the future, CraftNight is the KEY to your good times! In all honesty, I’ve been doing CraftNight for 6 years now, which seems like complete fiction, but it’s not, it’s real. And you know what is really real? The MOUNTAINS of leftover crafts from all the projects I’ve devised from the last 6 years. The house fairly teeters with the beguiling flotsam and jetsam of glorious CraftNights past. So I’ve decided to make little mystery bags, little craft kits where you’ll just have to take a gamble and see what your project for the night just might be, and I guarantee that whatever you get will be experimental and begging for your vision.

And, just so you know, I’ve updated the CraftNight website, so you can go see what kind of projects are in the near future, as we start up the end of the year.

Also, the “Ye Olde CraftNighte Crafte Faire” is coming up, December 10th and 17th, so if you want to be a vendor and sell things, contact me.

Okay then, see you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain

Akbar’s Website

CraftNight’s Website


Posted by on November 12, 2008 in Uncategorized

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November 5th, 2008 – Guy Fawkes Craft!

This Wednesday, November 5th, 2008 from 9pm till midnight at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: Guy Fawkes Day Craft!
(And Happy Birthday Cristin Pescosolido! Wooo!)
$2 processing fee please

Remember Remember the 5th of November
The Gunpowder Treason and plot;
I know of no reason why Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot!

Ah, Guy Fawkes, caught red-handed in 1605, and now the foiled fellow gets effigies of himself burned to a crisp year after year like a baked potato forever more.

If you want to find out more about Guy Fawkes, by all means, check it out!
But rest assured, in the United Kingdom, people are going to be munching on bonfire toffee and ginger cakes, enjoying pyrotechnic displays, causing a ruckus and lighting things on fire… and we’re going to join them in spirit by making a Guy Fawkes craft at Akbar!
I’ve designed a little “Guy Fawkes” doll for you to make, it involves coloring, cutting and gluing. And if you want to make some other kind of doll, go right ahead, just don’t light it on fire inside the bar!

And Now for the Political Segment
Our country has been given the short end of the stick for 8 years.
We’ve got 36 hours to try and help make a change. Have those difficult conversations with relatives and friends, make sure they know what is at stake, make sure they know all the facts, hand stuff out, stand on street corners with signs, make calls, etc.
Do what you can to make a difference, you’ll be glad you did. Here are three opportunities:

The Obama campaign has organized a phone bank near you to call voters in swing states. Volunteer here.

Volunteer for Election Visibility for NO on 8

Volunteer for Phone Banking for NO on 4

The day after elections, I hope we’ll be in good spirits.
Come in to CraftNight and get a hug either way.

See you at the Craft Table!
JP Craft Captain

CraftNight’s Site

Akbar’s Site


Posted by on November 3, 2008 in Uncategorized

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This Wednesday, Gothtober 29th, 2008 from 9pm to midnight at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!

Project: Días de los Muertos Sugar Skulls!

$2 Processing fee, please, as well as some extra cash for extra skulls you may want… we made a bunch of really cool ones in differing in design and detail.

I am so excited, because we sat down, mixed the egg white and the sugar, pressed it all  into the little molds, put them all in the oven to dry and VOILA, a veritable armada of beautiful little sugar skulls to decorate and take home with you. We’ll be celebrating the continuity of life, honoring the memory of our ancestors, and I’ll have made a little altar with some goodies on it, in case any dearly departed souls want to stop by and do some crafting. You are welcome to contribute to the little altar with photos or favorite little trinkets/treats in the memory of those who were called into the great beyond.

Speaking of departed, if you have time on Wednesday, go over to the Eagle (just down the street from Akbar) and spend some time at the very last night of SHOTGUN. Meredyth and Sarah, CraftNight salutes all your hard work and efforts in running one of the most wild and rowdy gritty eastside ladies nights the eastside has ever seen. We’ll miss SHOTGUN, and hope you’ll come raise a ruckus and cause trouble over our way in the future.

See you at the Craft Table!

JP Craft Captain

CraftNight’s Site

Akbar’s Site


Now then.


It has come to my attention that there are some of you who are not decided on whether to vote for Obama or McCain. CraftNight endorses Obama, but not in that “Obama’s a complete angel and makes poo made out of 24-karat gold” kind of way. All politicians are sleazy and power-hungry and egomaniacal, and you can’t really trust a donkey any more than you can trust an elephant when you get right to it. However, I think if CraftNight had to say it, the words from the following top-brass military fellows would put it best:

“It isn’t easy for me to disappoint Sen. McCain in the way that I have this morning, and I regret that. But I firmly believe that at this point in America’s history, we need a president that will not just continue, even with a new face and with the changes and with some maverick aspects, who will not just continue basically the policies that we have been following in recent years,”
“I think we need a transformational figure. I think we need a president who is a generational change and that’s why I’m supporting Barack Obama, not out of any lack of respect or admiration for Sen. John McCain.”
COLIN POWELL 65th United States Secretary of State, 12th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, 16th National Security Advisor, Retired General

“The truth is that, in national security terms, he’s largely untested and untried. He’s never been responsible for policy formulation. He’s never had leadership in a crisis, or in anything larger than his own element on an aircraft carrier or [in managing] his own congressional staff. It’s not clear that this is going to be the strong suit that he thinks it is.”
FOUR STAR GENERAL WES CLARK, former Supreme Allied Commander Europe for NATO during the Kosovo War (speaking here in reference to McCain)

And I’d like to give you a few more nuggets (from reliable sources!) that send it home for me:

McCain opposes Roe versus Wade, he believes it should be overturned.

McCain received a ZERO from the League of Conservation Voters last year.

The Childrens Defense Fund voted McCain as the worst senator in congress for children.

McCain’s reputation is built on his opposition to torture. McCain voted against a bill to ban waterboarding, then applauded President Bush for vetoing that ban.

Here’s what McCain has said about waterboarding in 2007

“Anyone who knows what waterboarding is could not be unsure. It is a horrible torture technique used by Pol Pot and being used on Buddhist monks as we speak,”

“People who have worn the uniform and had the experience know that this is a terrible and odious practice and should never be condoned in the U.S. We are a better nation than that.”

And if this doesn’t resonate with you, here are places to go that might help you make your decision:

Tube the Vote



Candidate Calculator

Candidate Match Game

The Washington Post

Where each candidate stands on Women’s issues

I wouldn’t normally nag you like this, but this election is kind of a big deal.

This concludes CraftNight’s political supplement for this bulletin. Thank you for reading!


Posted by on October 29, 2008 in Uncategorized

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THIS Wednesday, October 22nd, 2008 from 9pm to midnight at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: BYO Pumpkin Carving!
$2 processing fee, please
PS- don’t forget to check out GOTHTOBER!

Oh, so you think your life is exciting, huh?
I know you’ve got a never-ending stream of disco-stylings, sexy parties, hovercraft escape montages and sordid details with extremely good-looking mysterious strangers involving cliff-hangers and steamy flirty romance scenes where you’re hanging off of a helicopter and eating a cinnamon bun…
But your life could be even more exciting than that.
You could obtain a pumpkin.
I promise, we’re not going to ask you how you got it, especially since the economy is catty-whompus, and we don’t want too much information if you stole a pumpkin and are spending your life running from Javier (a la Les Miserables). VONS and Ralphs have pumpkins, in case you don’t find a patch. There is a VONS less than a mile away from Akbar!
The bar floor will be tarped off, there will be implements of destruction, candles, LIVE MUSIC by TRIPLE CHICKEN FOOT, the Gothtober Vending Machine (full of fortunes, treats and what-not) and ME your Craft Captain!
Note: I will be purchasing about 10 pumpkins, just in case anyone forgot, but no more than that, since pumpkins ain’t cheap! So come and join us, pumpkins galore, a very good time, our annual jack ‘o’ lantern bonanza, only at CRAFTNIGHT!

See you at the Craft Table,
JP Craft Captain

Visit CraftNight

Visit Akbar


Posted by on October 22, 2008 in Uncategorized

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