January 14th, 2009 – Inauguration Crafts!


This Wednesday, January 14th, 2009 from 9pm until midnight, at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!!!
Project: Inauguration Crafts
$2 for the first button (the general CraftNight donation request) and 50 cents per button thereafter!

Oh yeah, I’ve got the BUTTON MACHINE. It makes teeny tiny buttons, like only about an inch or so, but you can make ANYTHING YOU WANT, and I’ll turn it into a button for you. So cool.
And in honor of the inauguration, there will be some donkeys to color, maybe you can make a donkey button, since donkeys are happy these days. Come on over, bring your ideas, tiny photos, little drawings… make buttons!
See you at the Craft Table!
JP Craft Captain
Craftnight’s Site
Akbar’s Site


Posted by on January 14, 2009 in Uncategorized

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FIRST CraftNight of 2009! Fusion Beads!


This Wednesday, January 7th, 2009 from 9pm until midnight at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
$2 processing fee, please

Ah, it’s been a wonderful holiday break, but now it’s time to get back to it.
Perhaps you’ve kind of bamboozled yourself into some kind of New Year’s resolutions or lack thereof, something to do with mind, body, heart or soul… or biscuits, I dunno.
If you’re blazing a trail of success with your goals and aspirations, more power to you, and if it’s otherwise and your flourish is flattened, I can’t think of a better way to fluff it up then to drag your fine frame in here and fuse some plastic beads together, melt some colorful stuff, and save the world with one small craft.
Small steps are where it’s at, cat, Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither was CraftNight! Pat yourself on the back, you are just the kind of patron that makes configuring crafts worthwhile, we salute you!
Fusion beads are an action-packed project involving small plastic beads, tiny plastic spike bead holders, magic paper and a searingly hot iron: always a bad idea, therefore, we have to do it!
Looking forward to seeing you!
JP Craft Captain

CraftNight’s Site

Akbar’s Site


Posted by on January 8, 2009 in Uncategorized

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LAST CraftNight of the Year!


Wednesday, December 17th, 2008 at Akbar!
Sunset & Fountain!


Posted by on December 17, 2008 in Uncategorized

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December 3rd, 2008 – Shrinky Dink Ornaments!


This Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008 from 9pm to midnight at Akbar, it’s CRAFTNIGHT!

Project: Shrinky Dink Ornaments

$2 processing fee, and if you make a buncha ornaments, consider donating a little more, if you please!

ALSO: BONUS CRAFTNIGHT this Saturday Dec. 6th! Potato Prints! CraftNight at the BUST Holiday Craftacular at the EchoPlex! Make your own cards, wrapping paper and gift tags from POTATOES and paint! Craft Lieutenants will be standing by! POTATO PRINT MANIA!

Where did November go?!? How did that happen? Goodness gracious me, we’re on the last month of the year, how implausible and eerie. Hmmm. Guess you should drag your foxy bones over here and make something cool, because you’re just not going to make anything cooler than a SHRINKY DINK this week, are you?

You could build a jet pack that runs off of vegan twinkies, or find a tiny arachnid that rollerskates and does the splits, or you could register a newfound holiday where everyone gets 5 days off of work and the government is harassed into giving us all free balloons and watermelon poprocks… but making a SHRINKY DINK at CraftNight is way cooler than any of those silly old things, and face it: a lot simpler.

If you don’t know what a SHRINKY DINK is, then you are hereby designated to mandatory CraftNight attendance, because honestly, they are so cool, people go nutso and get all nostalgic and they hug each other and buy each other drinks and sing songs and it’s warm and fuzzy and the quality of human life goes up about 89 points, and everyone tunes into their underlying connection with the unity of all creation. Do you really need an explanation? Okay okay, SHRINKY DINKS involve drawing, coloring, heat and plastic, and that’s all I’m going to tell you. Arrive and be enthralled. If anything, knock back one of Akbar’s famous $4 Wednesday Night Cosmos, it will probably give you a few new ideas for sure!

Oh and Lars’s films Tulips and Forgiveness are each premiering at the Vine Theater at 8pm, go see them if you can, if you visit the site and RSVP, you can get in for free! Red Carpet! Wooo! Lars’s production company is called “Crabtastic” so we’ll have some crab drawings, if you want to make some Crabtastic SHRINKY DINKS in honor of Lars after the premiere! And of course, you might run into some fabulous celebrities from the films, wandering around like they do at Akbar, our little neighborhood oasis.

See you at the  Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain

CraftNight Website

Abkar’s Website


Posted by on December 3, 2008 in Uncategorized

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November 26th, 2008 – NO CRAFTS! Happy Thanksgiving!


This Wednesday, November 26th, 2008 it’s the AKBAR PRE-THANKSGIVING DANCE PARTY!!!
CraftNight will continue its regular programming on December 3rd, 2008

1.) For AKBAR, the neighborhood oasis, the Sunset & Fountain haven where you can drink to trouble, talk about everyone else’s troubles, or make NEW trouble! The Akbar family network of friends and personnel makes CraftNight tick, from Ms. Mike Glass’s expert spinning and craft-tastic assistance week after week, Terry’s door-jammin’ hunkiness and help, Mikey, Stefan and Sophie pulling cocktails, Jeffrey, Ruth, David, Peter and Scott, and everyone else it’s a true miracle dream to call Akbar home.

2.) The KITCHEN! Oh hey, get yourself some macaroni and cheese from the kitchen! Winter goodness at its best! Of course, you can’t beat the chicken noodle soup either, oh jeez, just get in there, you’ll see what I mean! Thanks to Dave, Rochelle, kitchen staff, and of course, the Owner from Handsome, USA: Fred!

3.) For CRAFTERS! Because what’s CraftNight without you coming in and making stuff with us? We’d kist be gluing googly eyes to our foreheads and blathering nonsense all night! Thank you for those of you who have been coming in for the last 6 years since CraftNight’s inception, for those of you who jump in and start crafting before you even knew you sat down, for fearless and shy crafters, early and late crafters, crafters who might not always come to CraftNight… but who always read the bulletins!

4.) For CRAFT LIEUTENANTS! You guys keep the fire burning bright with your tireless efforts and generosity! And special thanks for those who have made craft supply donations, or whoever that troublemaker is that puts 20 dollars(!!!) in the donation skull from time to time, for those who send photos of CraftNight events, who bring in odd geegaws for crafting, for those of you who help me set up at the beginning of the evening and/or help me clean at the end of the night, thank you for your time and kindness, it’s a pleasure to have you.

5.) For THANKSGIVING! Because though it has totally bunkus roots in the historical sense (a robust nationwide feigned ignorance regarding nasty real-estate squabbles, pestilence, back-stabbing, muskets, dorky hats with buckles on them, maize…) it has another set of themes that endure year after year: togetherness, appreciation for the harvest and the theme of gratitude in general.

6.) For OBAMA!

7.) For everyone who worked hard to make a difference on NO on 8! Hey, remember prop 22? Though prop 8 passed, we’ve made so much more progress and made so many more people aware of gay rights! It’s only a matter of time, we’ll get there, let’s keep working!

8.) The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! REALLY REALLY BIG BALLOONS!

Okay then, I’m sure there’s so much more to be thankful for, make your list today!
If you don’t have any plans on Thanksgiving, take a peek at Gobble Gobble GIVE! Go schlep food to those in need, you’ll be better for it!

See you next week at the Craft Table!
Food, fun, family, friends, festivities,
JP Craft Captain

CraftNight’s Website

Akbar’s Website


Posted by on November 26, 2008 in Uncategorized

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