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TONIGHT! Autumn Crafts, Apples, Ukeleles, Puffballs, Massage Therapy! (September 26th, 2012)

TONIGHT!!! Wednesday, September 26th, 2012 from 9pm(ish) until 12(or later) at Akbar,  it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: FALL Crafts! (a plethora of classic autumnal favorites) 
$2 Processing Fee
$4 Cosmopolitans: For people who share a taste of excitement.  

     • “THE APPLE” playing on the Akbar Jumbo Movie Tron 
     • FREE Mini APPLE pom pom creature in honor of Johnny Appleseed Day!
It’s FALL!

I don’t know about you, but I like to celebrate the Vernal Equinox, Johnny Appleseed Day and Yom Kippur by watching weird cult classic movies, doing crafts, thinking deep thoughts, sipping on cocktails, singing with a ukelele orchestra and participating in some bodywork with a really good masseuse, all in one night at one place.

After tonight’s amazingness, you’re like “what now? How do I keep from getting hopelessly bored in this major metropolitan city?” I’ve nothing to do! I’ve nowhere to go! What will become of me?!?

Here are some answers:

Thursday –  WIG OUT doors open 9:30 theme: PUPPETS (JP & Monica perform with Bob Baker Marionette Puppeteer, Adrien Rose)

Friday – Sat – The PAT & CHARLIE VARIETY HOUR from Cavern Club 9pm

Saturday – TRANSLUCENT TRAVELS at Automata in China Town 8pm (JP presents a weird slideshow)

See you at the craft table, JP Craft Captain

Akbar’s Site

CraftNight’s Site 


Posted by on September 26, 2012 in Uncategorized

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September 19th, 2012 • Snack Crafts

Wednesday, September 19th, 2012 from 9pm(ish) until 12(or later) at Akbar,  it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: Crafting with Snacks!
$2 Processing Fee
$4 Cosmopolitans: If you’ve got the time, we’ve got the Cosmo.  
Massage Therapist ON DUTY! (Sky’s current deal is 15 minutes for 14 bucks = A STEAL!)

Snacks at the bar, snacks on your table, edible crafts is the name the game, decidedly savory and totally weird. This is the last week of summer, and we’re going to go out with a SNACK BANG, by making sculptures and what-not out of some of America’s bagged munchies that will be held together with the mortar of, you guessed it: bean dip.

The last time we did this, I believe Josh Fielstra made the ark of the covenant out of pretzels and doritos. I’m sort of hoping for more of the same this round, except maybe we’ll get a Starship Enterprise, or a locomotive, or perhaps a presidential portrait. One can only hope. I’ll have as many shapes as I can find in order to enable the most varied results for your projects. You can even EAT your masterpiece when you’re done! I’m not sure I can say it’ll be a good idea, but CraftNight prides itself on bad ideas, so there you are.

In other news, it has been confirmed that less and less people are smiling at strangers. I think the top three reasons for not smiling at strangers are:
1.) Self-centeredness – Lost in thought, staring at phone, texting, anything that is not attached to the here and now, the distracted existence of the scattered brain is disinterested in immediate surroundings and the people who inhabit it.
2.) You hate everything – Having a bad day, feeling insular, not wanting to interact, none of these make you want to crack a smile at anyone, and forcing it seems inauthentic, so why bother.
3.) Inundation – If you smile at someone they might start talking to you, and try to become your best friend, or take up your time with their pointless and boring drivel.

These three reasons for not smiling at strangers are TOTAL BUNKUS. 
1.) We’re turning into a nation of distracted ROBOTS, put down the goddamn phone and force yourself to interact with your environment! Everyone you see is another star in the sky, no less or more important than you. Next time you’re in line at the bank, don’t check your phone, just wait, and see how impatient you have become. Look around you, use your senses. Part of being carefree and alive is being here right now.
2.) Hating everything is natural and normal. Smiling isn’t always the answer, but on less crappy days, you could make a difference in not just your own life, but someone else’s. You can’t fake a smile, people know a fake smile instantly, but what’s interesting is that, out of the two possible smiles there are that can be made (real or fake) no matter which one you transmit: It still gets you a little bit out of the doldrums. Caring for a stranger even in the tiniest way makes both you and the stranger feel better.
3.) And OMG the WORST is this fear of unwanted interaction that might be brought on by smiling. COME ON. If you aren’t adult enough to smile at someone for fear of them talking to you, you’re never going to develop and hone your skills in building real boundaries in friend, family and work situations where interaction, communication and articulation are crucial. Hiding and shirking isn’t the answer, be BRAVE, start small, start with strangers! You can smile at a stranger and keep walking, you can smile and wave, you can keep your cherished privacy and identity and important time and schedule and yadda yadda yadda… but not unless you can get over yourself first. And remember: strangers are just as scared as you as you are of them, they think you’re going to want to be their best friend, follow them home and eat all their food in the fridge… how silly is that? Mmmm hmmmm….

Smiling at strangers is one small thing you can do consistently to make your fellow inhabitants of planet earth feel important and cared for, it makes people feel human. It costs nothing, it’s easy to do, and as our technology advances and our manners disappear, it is more important than ever to connect in real space, in real time. It’s totally old school, but it totally works. Don’t be a chickenshit! Try it!
See you at the craft table, JP Craft Captain

Akbar’s Site

CraftNight’s Site 


Posted by on September 18, 2012 in Uncategorized

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September 12th & 13th, 2012 • One Week, TWO CraftNights!

Double your pleasure, double your fun with TWO CraftNights in one week!
Wednesday September 12th, 2012 at Akbar from 9pm – 12 (or later) it’s the Original CraftNight!
Project: Cards-n-Letters
$2 Processing fee, please
$4 Cosmopolitans – The Akbar Cosmo refreshes the parts other cosmos cannot reach
Sky the massage therapist will be on hand, experience the lasting genuine benefits of bodywork from Sky, get 15 minutes for $14 GREAT DEAL!

Thursday September 13th, 2012 at The Pleasure Chest from 7pm – 11pm
CraftNight will be in the middle of it all, toaster ovens fired up at full throttle, making “Naughty Hottie Shrinky Dinks!” This event comes but once a year and is not to be missed, read more to find out what’s in store and DO RSVP, because I want to see you!
Attendance is free, but given the nature of the entertainment, the party is invitation only and restricted to those 18 and older. If you would like to attend, please RSVP by sending an email to and tell us how many will be in your party.

The Post Office seems to be the only branch of government that is expected to make money. I was even reading about someone sending something important through the mail and getting all mad that it didn’t get to its destination. Did they send it CERTIFIED? No. Sigh. You can save pennies on the dollar by using common everyday features of the US Post Offica that FedEx and UPS charge a crazy amount of dollars for, did you know that? It makes me crazy. But I’m not going to get too much into that, instead I’m going to have us send cards and letters to friends and relatives that we love dearly, but keep forgetting to contact because we’re too busy with EMAIL. Email is a very sad substitute for someone’s handwriting, and handwriting itself is a real window into how a person is thinking, doing, etc. Don’t you love getting mail that isn’t a bunch of catalogues or coupons, but mail that was made for YOU from someone? Bring your obscure addresses, I’ll bring the envelopes, postcards, paper, stickers and pens and fun stuff for making excellent love tokens to send to those you love.

See you at the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain

Akbar’s Site

CraftNight’s Site 


Posted by on September 10, 2012 in Uncategorized

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TONIGHT! • September 5th, 2012 • Scrappin’ with the Scrapbooks!

TONIGHT! Wednesday, September 5th, 2012 from 9pm(ish) until 12(or later) at Akbar,  it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: Craft a Scrap Book!
$2 Processing Fee
$4 Cosmopolitans: How Many Sips Does it Take to Get to the Center of an Akbar Cosmo? I…2…
Featuring: Masseuse Therapist SKY! • Current deal is 15 minutes for 14 bucks! Get the stress out!
Also Featuring: Craft Lieutenant Veronica LeBron’s Flat-n-Crispy Bacon Laceys which need to be tasted to be believed, a classic recipe with a bacon twist, come get yours!

It’s your moment, the end of the day, to relax, unwind and have something special for yourself and your friends and your life and your cocktail. The scrap potential is very high tonight, plenty of pieces to play with to make your scrapbook fantasy come true. I actually have a really fantastic scrapbook, the latest entries in it being from 1953. I’ll bring it and share, so that you may gain inspiration from this wonderful relic.
The “scrapper” who remains unknown (I purchased this item at a swap meet in Simi Valley) has decorated the pages with countless newspaper clippings, decorative bits of paper, local ephemera, poems, pictures of exotic animals and far away destinations… it’s a quiet treasure of its era, and every time I peruse its pages I find something new.

The scrapper was prone to cutting out one sentence facts from publications, tidbits like “There are 209 rooms in Buckingham Palace” or “Painted fingernails were fashionable in Egypt, 1000 B.C.” The book is peppered with trivia, and I like the idea that no matter how old this tattered scrapbook gets, it still contains truths that will endure.

The digital age makes stuff like this exceedingly rare, and there’s actually a “scrapbook industry” that sells pre-printed pages, punch shapes, stickers, etc. that caters to “making memories.” And that’s cool… but when you look at this home made scrap book from 1953, you’re going to observe ingenuity and artistry that blows today’s manufactured scrap supplies right out the window. Cellophane scotch tape wasn’t on the market until 1930, yet miraculously enough, there isn’t a SINGLE piece of tape in this scrapbook, it’s all been put together with glue or paste.
Come in and make a little scrapbook, I’ve punched paper ahead of time for the event, I’ve got lots of paper and collage scraps, glue and glue sticks, this craft is gonna knock your socks off!

See you at the Craft Table!

JP Craft Captain

Akbar’s Site

CraftNight’s Site 


Posted by on September 5, 2012 in Uncategorized

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August 28th, 2012 • Pin Town!

Wednesday, August 20th, 2012 from 9pm(ish) until 12(or later) at Akbar,  it’s CRAFTNIGHT!
Project: Paper Pony Magnet Magic!
$2 Processing Fee
$4 Cosmopolitans: Nothing’s as fresh as a pinkie! 
Special Note: GOTHTOBER Applications are OPEN until TOMORROW at midnight!!!

>>> This is Gothtober >>>> This is the Gothtober BLOG 

New Development: CraftNight, in addition to art therapy now has massage thereapy!  Sky is a certified Kripalu bodyworker and will have his table set up and ready to go this week and (hopefully) subsequent weeks at CraftNight. Kripalu emphasizes “following the flow” of prana, or “life-force energy, compassionate self-acceptance, observing the activity of the mind without judgment, and taking what is learned into daily life.” It’s fine to approach Sky about times and prices while he’s already doing bodywork on someone else, there’s already so much going on, it’s not a distraction for him, get on his list!

I hope you’re excited to “pin one on” because we’re making pins so you can do just that. I have the facets, you have the might and the will and the way and all the materials to make a fashion SPLASH!!!

Now then: I’m not saying I’m glomming on to the recent hoopla about the 80 year old woman “screwing up” the Jesus fresco oh… wait a minute… I AM TOTALLY ABOUT TO GLOM.

We’ve all seen Jesus, my goodness have we seen him, just about every representation you can think of has come to light, boy do we know what he looks like, beard, thorns, bleeding, full of light, helping build a boat, multiplying the bread loaves, all that stuff, yep. And so here’s the latest rendition, a version made with great effort and care. The final product looks crazy and weird and modern and clunky all at the same time. It looks like a winter parka moon face fur person. It looks like someone’s GRANDMA painted it, it was “unauthorized” and “alarming”, people are shocked and outraged, and that is why it is glorious and totally the most authentic and telling Jesus portrait of our age.

How many “sacred” images of Jesus exist, and how many of them were farted out by apathetic yet talented artists hired by vapid and hypocritical religious rulers in a pitiful attempt to reflect the rare and ethereal state of holiness, of complete and utter devotion?

The question of god’s existence is futile, but the grace and fortitude of the human spirit, the joy and misery that many equate with a higher power is unquestionably affiliated with the compelling, inexplicable paradox of love. Love comes in every form of delight and irritation known to all, it is hardly ever predictable, and never practical, it’s an ancient and modern miracle.

And I’m just gonna say that love kicked ass this August as a determined octogenarian, her paintbrushes and a really really old fresco that’s more meaningful now than it ever was.

See you a the Craft Table,

JP Craft Captain

Akbar’s Site

CraftNight’s Site 







Posted by on August 28, 2012 in Uncategorized

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